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Oct 15, 2004
Panama City-Bay County International Airport - Florida - Panama - Airport Technology

The Panama City-Bay County International Airport is situated around 6km from Panama City in the state of Florida. The 745-acre airport has two runways, the 14/32 at around 6,000ft and the 5/23 at 4,900ft and a 55,500ft? terminal building with six gates (two jet bridges).

Owned by the Panama City-Bay County Airport Authority the airport has been considering expansion plans since the 1980s. The 14/32 runway at the airport has some problems in that it cannot be easily lengthened to accommodate full-sized jets because this would infringe upon protected land (St Andrews Bay (Goose Bayou) has a protected sea grass species) and also the runway is inside the hurricane belt, being flooded during certain times of the season since it is only 6ft above sea level (the other end of the runway is a dense residential area). Finally the safety zones for the 14/32 runway are not up to specification (a waiver being in place until 2015) and they need to be increased.

Faced with these problems the airport authority and the Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) considered alternatives in the 1990s and decided to relocate and build a new airport. The airport is expecting to host 600,000 passengers a year by 2020.

New airport site
The site chosen for the new airport is about eight miles from the original airport on 1,600 acres of a 4,000-acre site surrounded by protected woodland (in the 75,000-acre West Bay Area Sector). The site was donated to the airport by the Jacksonville Florida developer, The St Joe Company (FAA completed a site selection study in 2001). The new airport site is outside of tidal surge zones and hurricane danger areas and so will not have the same runway flooding problems as the old airport.

The new airport is expected to be opened in May 2010 and will include a 10,000ft?150ft runway (which will be extended to 12,000ft later) and also a 5,000ft?100ft crosswind runway along with a 125,000ft? seven-gate terminal building (Transportation Security Administration passed the terminal design in April 2006).
Other buildings at the airport will be an air traffic control tower, rental car facilities, public safety building, maintenance facility, utility building and an air cargo building.

Environmental and permit agreements
Environmentalists filed six suits against the development but were assuaged by an undertaking from the airport authority supported by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) to create a 40,000-acre (60-square-mile) conservation area around West Bay (9,609 acres of this were provided by the St Joe Company).

The West Bay Preservation Area will include 33 miles of untouched shoreline and 44 miles of creeks and tributaries.

The plans were approved by Bay County and the State of Florida in 2002 and specific plans for the area were approved in 2003. Following this agreement the FAA issued a final environmental impact statement in May 2006 and a record of decision for the move in September 2006. The US Army Corp of Engineers (USACE) issued their 404 permit in August 2007 allowing the construction to begin.

he old airport site was sold subject to contract in September 2007 to Community Airport Redevelopment LLC (90% owned by Leucadia National Corp of New York and 10% owned by WMR Capital Corp of Delaware) for $56.5m in cash and $38m from sale of developments on the site.
The money raised will be used to offset the costs of building the new airport. The costs of construction for the new facility are around $318m and finance is being provided from federal, state and local government sources in equal amounts.

New airport construction and contracts
Although construction on the new airport project began in January 2008 it still remains for the airport authority to convince airlines and cargo carriers (900 acres of land are available for cargo operations to be constructed) to use the new facility (the new airport has been dubbed the 'Aerotropolis').

The site preparation contract was awarded to Phoenix Construction ($112.5m). Project and construction management was contracted to Kellogg Brown and Root of Houston, who will provide a management overview of the project along with the Florida Department of Transportation and the FAA. The contract to construct the terminal was awarded to Walbridge as the lowest tender bidder of $68m (the new terminal will be constructed to obtain LEED certification (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design).

will also be involved in design and engineering (AVCON were consultants for the master plan). The design managers / engineers for the project are Post, Buckley, Schuh and Jerrigan (PBS&J) and the systems engineers are TLC of Tampa.

The runway began construction in September 2008 with the laying of test strips; this led to the conclusion that the airstrip runway should be a full 15in thick with a top layer paving of concrete (making it able to handle any aircraft in service) along with centre-line lighting.
The decision to build the runway to 10,000ft long straight away (the funding is in place, an additional $4.5m) rather than 8,400ft was made in September 2008. The airport will be the first to be opened in the US since the mid-1990s.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
For those that don't feel like reading through the entire thing, that is #113 on the list.

Tallahassee is #123
Clearwater is #142
Mobile #150
Key West #160
Panama City is currently #195


Beach Fanatic
Dec 5, 2004
Bluewater Bay, FL

VPS #140
Pensacola #94

Smallest 'International airport'- Ogdensburg International in New York. Annual commercial passenger count- a little over 4,000 people. I assume the International tag for a lot of the smaller border area airports is mostly about handling private passenger and cargo from Mexico and/or Canada.

Matt J

May 9, 2007

VPS #140
Pensacola #94

Smallest 'International airport'- Ogdensburg International in New York. Annual commercial passenger count- a little over 4,000 people. I assume the International tag for a lot of the smaller border area airports is mostly about handling private passenger and cargo from Mexico and/or Canada.

Actually the international designation just means that customs is located nearby. They probably don't even have an office at that airport and they have to come from a port or other airport.


Oct 15, 2004
Construction Update: 3/12/2009
Posted: 15 Mar 2009 05:46 PM PDT
Contract 1: Heavy Civil and Airfield Lighting
Approximately 80% of the contract work is complete with only 55.8% of the contract time used.

  • Underground utilities are being installed in the General Aviation area.
  • Fine grading along the runway is continuing.
  • Seeding is ongoing in the North section of the site.
  • Installation of the centerline lighting cans is approximately 75% complete.
Approximately 115 pieces of heavy equipment are in operation at any one time with approximately 160 personnel on site for the heavy civil (contract 1) and utilities (contract 3) contracts.
Contract 2: Terminal Building, ATCT and Support Buildings
Approximately 18% of contract work is complete with 25% of contract time utilized.
All shoring has been removed from Area A.
Installation of re-steel on Level 2 of Area B is complete.
Beginning to prep the slab on grade between areas B and C.
Air Traffic Control Tower:
Pile cap complete using approximately 350 cubic yards of concrete.
Beginning to form up the 1st level.
Air Maintenance Facility:
Backfilling of maintenance pit is complete. Preparing for slab on grade.
Air Cargo Facility:
Installation of pre-engineered metal building is ongoing.
Public Safety Building:
Completed concrete pour of perimeter footings/elevator footing.
Rental Car Facility:
Completing installation of underground utilites.
The average manpower on site for Contract 2 per day is 105 people based on a five day work week. Manpower on Saturdays is approximately 31 people.

Contract 3: Utility Contract

Approximately 18% of contract work is complete with 15% of contract time utilized.
Main Access Road:
3W2” Power Distribution Duct Bank: 53% complete.
Street light duct work: 65% complete.
Joyner Road:
24” water main: 90% complete.
GA Access Road:
30” water main: 45% complete.
Lift Station:
30% complete.
CR-388 & Main Entrance:
8” Directional Drill is complete.


Oct 15, 2004









Oct 15, 2004
Airport hires "master developer" - News - The News Herald
PANAMA CITY - Airport Authority members made a decision Tuesday that could mean as much to regional economic development as the original decision to build the new airport near West Bay.
Members chose Jones Lang LeSalle over four other companies to manage the industrial and commercial development of 1,400 acres of land surrounding the new Panama City-Bay County International Airport, set to open in May 2010.
Jones officials gave a presentation during which they billed themselves as a global real estate services and investment company with 750 location in 60 countries.
"You certainly seem to have the network we are looking for," said Authority Vice Chairman Bill Cramer.
Jones was chosen over the following companies: Hunt Development Group, St. Joe/Haskell, Taylor & Mathis and TranSystems.
The Airport Authority will now enter into contract negotiation with Jones Lang LaSalle over a financial compensation package that will take the form of sharing revenue from the development of the property.

Jones Lang LaSalle. Global Commercial Real Estate Services. Investment Management


Oct 15, 2004
Construction Update: 3/27/2009 — The New PFN

Construction Update: 3/27/2009

by NewPFN on March 30, 2009
Contract 1: Heavy Civil and Airfield Lighting
Approximately 82% of the contract work is complete with only 60% of the contract time used.

  • Installation of underground utilities continues in the General Aviation area.
  • 8400’ of Runway 16-34 is 100% complete. (Still awaiting final approval for 10,000’)
  • Installation of the centerline lighting cans is approximately 80% complete.
Approximately 115 pieces of heavy equipment are in operation at any one time with approximately 160 personnel on site for the heavy civil (contract 1) and utilities (contract 3) contracts.
Contract 2: Terminal Building, ATCT and Support Buildings
Approximately 20% of contract work is complete with 27% of contract time utilized.
Erecting steel at north end of Terminal Area A.
Concrete pour on 2nd level of Area B is complete.
Air Traffic Control Tower:
Installation of steel and framework for Tower walls continuing.
Air Maintenance Facility:
Completed soil treatment and installation of vapor barrier
Installing re-steel.
Air Maintenance Shed:
Continuing the installation of the metal roofing system.
Air Cargo Facility:
Installation of pre-engineered metal building and metal roofing is ongoing.
Public Safety Building:
Completed concrete pour of stem wall around building.
Rental Car Facility:
Completing installation of underground utilities.
The average man power on site for Contract 2 per day is 103 people based on a five day work week.
Contract 3: Utility Contract
Approximately 20% of contract work is complete with 17% of contract time utilized.
Main Access Road:
3W2” Power Distribution Duct Bank: 68% complete
Street light duct work: 75% complete
Joyner Road:
24” water main: 98% complete
Testing is underway
GA Access Road:
30” water main: 55% complete
Lift Station:
30% complete
Crooked Creek:
8” Directional Drill is complete


Oct 15, 2004
Construction Update: 4/2/2009
Posted: 06 Apr 2009 08:13 PM PDT
Contract 1: Heavy Civil and Airfield Lighting
In general, base bid earthwork and Main Access Road are significantly completed. All of the P-403 asphalt base and 100% of the 15” concrete paving lanes have been placed on 8,400 linear feet of Runway 16-34. On the taxiways and main apron, all lime rock base and the first 2” lift of P-401 base have been placed.
Approximately 60% of the contract time utilized (450 of 780) with 82% of work completed.
All interim milestones being met or exceeded:

  • All 1330 acres cleared and grubbed. Less than 30 acres of wetlands associated with crosswind runway remain to be cleared and filled. Over 5.9m cubic yards of earth have been moved (95% of latest total). 151,307 square yards of landside lime rock base and 130,885 square yards of flightline P-211 lime rock base have been installed in accordance with the project specifications.

  • 12,902 tons of asphalt base course is in place along the Main Access Road (MRA) and loop road (60% of plan). Curb, lime rock, and asphalt base installation within terminal parking lots is now 100% complete. 36,521 tons of P-403 asphalt base (95% of design) and 70,000 cubic yards of structural concrete (90% of plan including the terminal apron) have been placed.

  • 13,819 tons of P-401 asphalt base has been placed on Taxiway D and the main apron (30% of total).

  • Stormwater drainage pipe installation on Base Bid is now 99% complete (over 38,000 linear feet of RCP installed). Storm sewer installation within the GAA is now 50% complete. Perforated under drain is now 45% complete (70,000 linear feet installed). Mass grading within Pond C is now completed. Installation of the bottom layer of Pond C is now 99% complete. Testing of sands continues at every 2,000 square yards.

  • ALCS status includes: 35,402 linear feet of electrical lighting duct bank (75% of design quantity), 22 junction plazas, 43,657 linear feet of counterpoise systems earthed by 422 grounding rods. 347 runway centerline and TDZ lights have been installed. Edge light conduits have not yet begun.
There are approximately 115 pieces of heavy equipment in operation at any one time with approximately 160 personnel on site.

Contract 2: Terminal Building, ATCT and Support Buildings

In general with 27% of the project period of performance utilized and 23% of the work in place, site activities can be considered well underway.
Design charette meetings for the structural steel are complete. Review of other architecturally related features continue. Site inspections by Bay County and internal Threshold Inspections actively continue and are being tracked in log format.
Individual building status is provided below.

  • 100% of the foundations are now complete.
  • Second floor slabs are now 70% complete.
  • 95% of the Level 1 columns are in place and erection of red-iron structural framework associated with the roof has begun on the northern end.
  • Level 2 columns are 35% complete.
  • Plumbing rough-in under slab 1st floor is approximately 95% complete and tested.
  • Backfilling and compaction continues around the building facility.
  • Testing for the building is being recorded in a matrix format included within Monthly Material Testing Summary.
  • In April, second floor slabbing will be poured out and the structural steel roofing framework will be completed.
Air Traffic Control Tower:

  • 72 Auger cast piles and associated pile caps are in place.
  • First level concrete reinforcement has been tied.
  • Continued placement of structural concrete is awaiting full cure of the pile cap with forming scheduled to begin in mid-April.
Air Cargo Facility:

  • Completed slab on grade, pre-engineered building framework, and metal roofing.
  • Loading dock slab and walls complete. Continue installation of storm water pipe and structures. Masonry begins the first week of April.
Air Maintenance Facility:

  • Metal panels are underway on the shed.
  • Air Maintenance pit/slab/walls complete.
  • Storm sewer installation continues.
Public Safety Building:

  • Spread / perimeter footings and associated stem walls are now completed.
  • Under-slab electrical and plumbing is completed.
  • Under drains will begin in April.
Rental Car Facility:

  • Utilities and storm water pipe installation continues.
  • Pre-engineered metal building under fabrication.
There are approximately 105 personnel on site for this contract.
Contract 3: Utility Contract
Contract has been executed and all necessary submittals, insurance and bonds have been received from the Contractor.
Production volumes in place to date are as follows:

  • Approximately 17% of time has been utilized.
  • Contractor direct billings through March equivalent to 20% of value released to date.
  • Owner purchase orders paid to date equivalent to 25% of total contract.
All interim milestones are being met or exceeded:

  • 10,508 linear feet of 12” C900 PVC water main installed from CR-388 north to GA intersection.
  • 3,209’ of 30”CL250 DI water main along GA Road.
  • 7,878’ of 24” C905 PVC water main along Joyner Road along with 355 linear feet of directional drilling of HDPE SDRII near CR 388.
  • 9,376 linear feet of 8” C900 PVC sanitary force main was installed from CR-388 north to GA intersection along with 887 linear feet of HDPE direction drilling under Crooked Creek.
  • 1,313 linear feet of 8” PVC sanitary sewer gravity sewer was installed along the main Access Road along with the lift station near Kelly Branch.
  • 11,209 linear feet of 3W2” power distribution duct bank installed direct bury. 4,422 linear feet. 6Wx4” concrete encased duct bank
  • 23,750 linear feet of street light duct work installed on west side of main road.
There are 21 pieces of equipment and 35 personnel on site associated with this contract.
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