VP is a great little airport - but in my experience, the flights there are much more expensive. The issue is cost. I currently choose Pensacola (even though it adds a 2 hour drive to my place) because it's cheaper.
Look at the record -- passengers always win when Southwest enters a market. Other airlines across the area will be forced to lower prices to compete. And every single time there has been a new airport built in the state of Florida, significant economic growth has followed. Southwest in a new airport will be an economic shot in the arm to an area that could use it -- and it will come just about the time the PC area will be coming out of its real estate slump.
I look at this from the perspective of a part-time 30A resident who lives full-time in the DC area. I desperately want a BWI to Bay County direct flight. The other side of the coin ... I am certain there are many people (especially military families) who would use flights in the other direction. I mean, who wouldn't want a cheap flight from PC to your nation's capital?
Come on Southwest --- we need you!
Somehow I just can't see Southwest going into the new PC airport anytime soon--I can be wrong (it's been known to happen once...maybe twice).
Southwest had its quarterly earnings call last week. Since Nov, they've reduced their flights by 300 (9%) and had to deeply discount fares to fill up planes. Even though their planes were filled above average capacity--their revenues were down below post 9-11 levels. Their business travel and freight revenues were in the toilet and they're
very concerned about raising fuel costs going forward. They clearly played a great hand when they hedged the price of fuel last summer, but they currently haven't got a clue of how to play the market going forward.
From what I know about Southwest, and their penchant to minimize costs while maximizing revenue, I don't see them chomping at the bit to bring their airline into the middle of a pine forest where their pax (for the next several years) will be primarily seasonal tourists. And though "pax always win" when Southwest enters a market, Southwest doesn't make business decisions based on that premise.
I think that Val-P or Pensacola would be a better fit for their airline; each is flanked by midsized cities with business, military and tourist traffic (although I don't see them jumping on those in the near future either). I would think Pensacola would be choice #1, but AirTran already has that market.
I think the Coastal 3000 and their ilk are running on the "build it and they will come" mindset that is a product of the bubble era. The recession has changed everything and they just don't see it (or want to see it)...they're too busy looking in the rear view mirror...or just "in" the rear.