Northwest Florida Beaches International Airport
Construction update: 1-7-10
Contract 1: Heavy Civil and Airside Contract: The project is currently 95% complete with 89% of the contract time used. The project’s Main Access Road and parking areas are structurally complete excepting the final surface course that will be installed during facility commissioning. The 1,600 lf extension of RW 16-34 and Taxiway D were approved on 25-
Nov-09; work is now moving forward in an expedited fashion. 6 of eight concrete paving lanes are in place. Centerline cans are now being set. The final lanes and profilograph will be completed before the 18-Jan flight check.
• 84,798 tons of asphalt pavement in place (78% of both airside and landside). 183,929 sy of landside lime rock base and 189,767 sy of flightline P-211 lime rock base have been installed in accordance with the project specifications.
62,272 cy of the 67,233 cy of 15” concrete runway pavement and 14“ main terminal apron is in place (99% of ultimate volume).
• 99% of the RCP storm sewer installations are complete (44,276 lf). 119,250 lf of perforated under-drain has been installed along the taxiways and runways (75% of total).
• 110,390 lf of electrical lighting ductbank and lighting conduit has been installed (95% of design quantity), 205,655 lf of counterpoise and grounding systems (69% of design). 87 base can plazas, 302 taxiway edge lights, and 377 runway light cans, and 44 signs are now complete (75% of design).
• Airfield Lighting Vault is 40% complete. Factory acceptance testing of the ALCS control systems was successfully completed with Crouse Hinds on 09-Dec-09.
• Project is scheduled to begin the FAA flightcheck the week of 18-Jan. The project is on schedule to meet this milestone.
Contract 2: Terminal Building, ATCT and Support Buildings: The contract is approx 76% complete with 75% of the time utilized. The installation of the Tower Cab for the ATCT was completed September 23rd which should allow time to complete mechanical, electrical, plumbing and finishes in time for the FAA mobilization to the structure in January 2010.
• Terminal Building:
• Progress continues with approximately 68% of the work complete as of the end of December.
• The installation of the metal roofing panels are 60% complete with just the west elevation left, however, roof
decking is in place and this area has been dried-in.
• Skylights are installed and complete in all areas of Terminal roofing.
• Storefront windows at all areas around terminal are 90% complete, front vestibules are left to be installed.
• Ground Faced CMU block is complete at all exterior elevations.
• Escalator installed at main Connector Hall and Concourse, with approximately 60% complete.
• Glue-lam canopy installation is complete with the exception of metal roofing panels which will tie-in the remaining
west roofing.
• Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing rough-in continues at all areas and levels and is 85% complete.
• Cold formed metal framing is (CFMF) is 85% complete all areas of the Terminal.
• Baggage Handling Area:
• Baggage handling equipment 100% installed, electrical tie-in and testing remain.
• ETD room 80% complete along with OSR and breakrooms.
• L-3 Machines arrived and were installed on December 14th.
• Air Traffic Control Tower:
• Internal stairs 100% installed, glazing installed at Tower Cab.
• Exterior of concrete structure rubbed down and first coat of primer applied.
• Elevator is being installed and is 75% complete.
• Electrical and mechanical are 85% complete up through the Tower Cab.
• Metal wall framing and drywall in progress and continues on all floors.
• Terminal Support Facilities:
• Air Cargo Facility, Air Maintenance Facility:
• 1st layer of asphalt at ACF complete,
• AMF Shed west installation continues with 45% complete.
• AMF site work is near 85% complete.
• Public Safety Building:
• Completed metal panel roofing at Admin area.
• Interior metal wall framing and drywall at 65% complete.
• MEP is 75% complete with air handling unit and fire sprinkler system being installed.
• Site work is 90% complete
• Rental Car Facility:
• Paving is in progress at both north and south parking.
• Site lighting continues north and is progressing to south.
• Site work continues with 95% of curb and gutter complete.
• Rock base is currently being installed.
• Footings for the Fuel Island Canopy continue with approximately 75% complete.
• Metal wall and drywall at 75% complete.
Contract 3: Utility Contract: The contract is approximately 80% complete with 88% of the time utilized. 12” water
main system was flushed and tested allowing the terminal building the use of construction water.
• 21,654 lf of 12” water main installed from CR-388 north Loop Road & GA Roadway
• 16,619 lf of 8” sanitary force main completed onsite and along CR-388.
• 23,722 lf of 3W2” power distribution duct bank installed
• 36,714 lf of street light duct work installed along the main access road.
• 6,849 lf of 6Wx4” concrete encased power distribution duct bank
• 8,583 lf of 30” water main along GA Road.
• 7,998’ lf. 24” water main along Joyner Road
• 68 fire hydrants installed
• 80% of lift station completed to date
• 100% of the overhead power line and 100% of the power cable installed by Gulf Power.
• Booster Pump Station 75% completed
• Fuel Farm 78% completed
Contract 4: Landscape/Hardscape Contract: The contract is approximately 50% complete with 50% of the contract
time utilized.
• Sod placed along main roadway north of intersection and along Loop Road
• Erosion control measures being maintained along roadways.
• Watering of all sod as needed.
Contract 5: NAVAIDs:
• 8,800 lf of 2 way 2” conduit (98% complete) and 905 lf 2 way 4” conduit (44% complete).
• RWY 16 Instrument Landing System: North side systems are approximately 91% in place
• RWY 16 Medium Intensity Approach Light System (MALSR) now approximately 19% complete.
• RTR Shelter & Tower Installation: Civil Contractor to complete 30,000 cy of earthen foundation by 01-Feb. Systems
in place by mid-Feb
• Project scope amended to include $160,000 Airport Sponsor purchase and installation of all radio communications
equipment. Scope and Design of VHF and UHF Air Traffic Control Tower Radio Communications Equipment still
being developed by PBS&J.
Contract 6: Project Landside Signage: The contract is approximately 20% complete.
• Concrete footings installed for Main access road signs
• 80% of Submittals approved