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Oct 15, 2004
Construction Update - 1/22/09

Contract 1: Heavy Civil and Airfield Lighting
The base bid earthwork and Main Access Road are significantly completed.
  • 12,902 tons of asphalt base course is in place along Main Access Road (MRA) and loop road (60% of plan).
  • Curb, lime rock, and asphalt base installation within terminal parking lots is now 100% complete.
On Runway 16-34:
  • All of the asphalt base and 70% of the 15” concrete paving lanes have been placed on 8,500 linear feet.
  • 36,521 tons of asphalt base and 50,000 cubic yards of structural concrete have been placed on 8,400 linear feet.
On Taxiway D:
  • All lime rock base and the first 2” lift of asphalt base have been placed.
  • 10,437 tons of asphalt base has been placed on Taxiway D and the main apron.
The stormwater drainage pipe installation is now 99% complete. The storm sewer installation within the General Aviation Area is now 20% complete.
Over 5.7 million cubic yards of earth has been moved (99% of total). Mass grading within Pond C is now completed.
There are 115 pieces of heavy equipment in operation at any one time with approximately 160 personnel on site.

Contract 2: Terminal Building, Air Traffic Control Tower and Support Buildings

Approximately 17% of the project time on this contract has been utilized and 14% of the work released to date is in place.
  • 100% of the spread footings have been excavated and formed, steel reinforcing continues with approximately 8% left to complete.
  • 70% of the spread footings have been poured along with 70% of Level 1 columns.
  • Plumbing rough-in under slab 1st floor is approximately 60% complete and tested.
  • Backfilling and compaction continues around all completed footings and columns.
Air Traffic Control Tower:
  • 72 Auger cast piles in place utilizing the revised/tested foundation design.
Air Cargo Facility:
  • Completed slab on grade.
  • Delivery of pre-engineered building to arrive in February.
  • Continuing installation of storm water pipe and structures.
Air Maintenance Facility:
  • Storm water pipe and structures in progress.
  • Under slab electrical and plumbing rough in complete.
Public Safety Building:
  • Completed excavation and installation of reinforcing steel in spread footings.
  • Completed concrete placement and installation of anchor bolts.
  • Completed excavation for perimeter footings and began setting reinforcing steel.
Rental Car Facility:
  • Utilities and storm water pipe expected to start by February.
Contract 3: Utility Contract
Contract has been executed and all necessary submittals, insurance and bonds have been received from the Contractor.
A limited Notice to Proceed was issued 7-January. The full Notice to Proceed was issued 19-January. Progress Metrics to date:
  • 12” Water Main 2,230 linear feet (10%)
  • 8” Sewer Force Main 1,525 linear feet (9%)
  • Street Light Conduit 3,765 linear feet (10%)
  • 3?2” Ductbank 5,140 linear feet (21%)


Oct 15, 2004
Construction Update - 2/4/09

Contract 1: Heavy Civil and Airfield Lighting
On the Heavy Civil and Airfield Lighting contract, the construction team has completed 75% of the contract work and used only 51% of the contract time. The following milestones have been reached:
  • 85% of the 15” concrete paving lanes have been placed on 8,400 linear feet of Runway 16-34.
  • Runway 16-34 Touch Down Zone and Centerline light cans are being set.
  • On Taxiway D and main terminal apron, all lime rock base and the first lift of asphalt paving is in place.
Production volumes in place are as follows:
  • 62,354 tons of asphalt pavement in place (both airside and landside).
  • 151,307 square yards of landside lime rock base and 130,885 square yards of flightline P-211 lime rock base have been installed in accordance with the project specifications.
  • 47,000 cubic yards of the 67,200 cubic yards of 15” concrete runway pavement is in place.
  • 98% of the original RCP storm sewer installations are complete (33,086 linear feet).
  • 66,258 linear feet of perforated under-drain has been installed along the taxiways and runways (42% of total).Storm sewer installation within the General Aviation Area is 30% complete.
  • 5.7 million cubic yards of earth has been moved (99% of total).
  • Mass grading within Pond C now 98% complete.
  • 105 pieces of heavy equipment in operation at any one time with approximately 123 personnel on site.
Contract 2: Terminal Building, ATCT and Support Buildings
On the Terminal Building, ATCT and Support Buildings contract, the construction team has completed 14% of contract work and utilized 19% of the contract time. Specific work includes the following:
  • Terminal: Shoring for Level 2 areas B and C continues in the terminal building.
  • Terminal: Plumbing rough-in continues.
  • Air Traffic Control Tower: Excavation around auger cast piles is complete and ready for installation of pile cap.
  • Air Cargo Facility: Completed slab pour at truck well/forming retaining walls.
  • Public Safety Building: Rebar at perimeter footings nearly complete.
Contract 3: Utility Contract
On the Utility Contract, the construction team has completed 4% of contract work and utilized 6% of the contract time. On the Main Access Road:
  • 12” water main: 38% complete
  • 8” force main: 38% complete
  • 3W2” Power Distribution Duct Bank: 26% complete
  • Street light duct work: 36% complete


Oct 15, 2004




Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
Rumors about Okaloosa Airport Surface Again

apparently the rumors about Okaloosa Regional Airport are back:

Okaloosa fighting 'airport defamation' | airport, panama, city - News - Northwest Florida Daily News


Okaloosa County officials say rivals are launching "deliberate and slanderous attacks" against Northwest Florida Regional Airport, which, despite word out of Panama City, is nowhere near the brink of closing.

"We are surely on the border, if we're not already there, of slander and libel," said County Commissioner John Jannazo. "This has really gone too far. It's sustained and systemic."

Asked if Okaloosa could take legal action, county attorney John Dowd said, "There is a possibility."

Relations between Northwest Florida Regional and Panama City-Bay County International Airport have been strained for much of the past year. In January 2008, the Panama City Beach Chamber of Commerce released a mass e-mail claiming Eglin Air Force Base planned to close Northwest Florida Regional by May 2010. The claim was in a bulleted list of talking points sent to more than 900 chamber members to drum up support for a new airport in Bay County.

Eglin's incoming Joint Strike Fighter mission would push Okaloosa's commercial air traffic out of the sky, the e-mail claimed. Okaloosa's airports director at the time called it a "stinking rumor."

"I'm here to tell the board that it is inaccurate, it's untrue ... and we need to get these attacks to stop," current Airports Director Greg Donovan said Tuesday night. "It's absolutely unprofessional ... to see these lines start to be crossed. It angers me, quite honestly."

Eglin also quickly denied the closing rumor. The Air Force's lease to Northwest Florida Regional was recently renewed through 2032. The Panama City Beach chamber later apologized for any confusion, but Okaloosa commissioners said Tuesday that the rumors haven't stopped.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
The Walton TDC announced today that if they get the bed tax increase it will go to whichever airport gets the low cost carrier first. Let the races begin.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 5, 2004
Bluewater Bay, FL
Usually Sturgeon's law is very much in effect for the Daily News comments sections, but some funny one this time:

"Our airport officials have been very respectful not to publically comment on the failed Panama City Airport public referendum, lawsuits, and many other negative challenges of constructing your new facility."

Matt J

May 9, 2007
Coastal Vision 3000 not quite 20/20

Airport Wars Save Email Print
Posted: 7:32 AM Feb 18, 2009
Last Updated: 7:45 AM Feb 18, 2009
Reporter: Alex Denis
Email Address: Alex.denis@wjhg.com
A | A | A
Tuesday night Okaloosa County commissioners threatened to take legal action against a number of Bay County figures over what they called deliberate and slanderous attacks.
Commissioners took up the issue at the request of Northwest Florida Regional Airport's Director Greg Donovan.
Donovan presented commissioners with two lists.
One was a list of people who supposedly spread misinformation through the media about Northwest Florida Regional closing because of a bad relationship with the military. Northwest Florida uses the runways at Eglin Air Force Base.
The second list contained names supposedly provided by U-S Congressmen and Senators, who said Bay County officials told them Northwest Florida Regional was closing.
Apparently both airports had delegations in Washington within a week of each other earlier this year.
One of the names on that second list was St. Joe Company official Jerry Ray, who is also a board member of the Coastal Vision 3000 organization.
Wayne Harris, Okaloosa County Commissioner, was upset.
"The rumors and lies that were spread now are on the Hill in Congress and it torkes me off."
Greg Donovan is the NWF Regional Airport?s Director.
"I really hoped it wouldn't come to this. These attacks have been taking places over the last year. In short of coming to the board and possibly taking legal action I don't know how we can get these to stop."
Okaloosa commissioners instructed their attorney to draw up a legal strategy for this issue. They'll meet in two weeks to consider a course of action.

Airport Wars


SoWal Insider
Apr 30, 2008
Right here!

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I'll always land at Eglin, it's my 'hometown airport' and I love those long runways. Plus, the drive in takes you over the bay which is always so nice after a long trip.

You have a military pass that guarantees that? Eglin is getting that whole new program. :scratch: Of course the military always takes into account the small town airport vs. the new program with thousands of jobs and millions of dollars in spending.


Beach Fanatic
Dec 5, 2004
Bluewater Bay, FL
Eglin just extended the VPS airport lease until like 2030. It's in their own best interest to have some form of commercial aviation service for their troops and civilian employees that isn't an hour's drive one way from base.
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