Construction Update - 1/22/09
Contract 1: Heavy Civil and Airfield Lighting
The base bid earthwork and Main Access Road are significantly completed.
Over 5.7 million cubic yards of earth has been moved (99% of total). Mass grading within Pond C is now completed.
There are 115 pieces of heavy equipment in operation at any one time with approximately 160 personnel on site.
Contract 2: Terminal Building, Air Traffic Control Tower and Support Buildings
Approximately 17% of the project time on this contract has been utilized and 14% of the work released to date is in place.
Contract has been executed and all necessary submittals, insurance and bonds have been received from the Contractor.
A limited Notice to Proceed was issued 7-January. The full Notice to Proceed was issued 19-January. Progress Metrics to date:
Contract 1: Heavy Civil and Airfield Lighting
The base bid earthwork and Main Access Road are significantly completed.
- 12,902 tons of asphalt base course is in place along Main Access Road (MRA) and loop road (60% of plan).
- Curb, lime rock, and asphalt base installation within terminal parking lots is now 100% complete.
- All of the asphalt base and 70% of the 15” concrete paving lanes have been placed on 8,500 linear feet.
- 36,521 tons of asphalt base and 50,000 cubic yards of structural concrete have been placed on 8,400 linear feet.
- All lime rock base and the first 2” lift of asphalt base have been placed.
- 10,437 tons of asphalt base has been placed on Taxiway D and the main apron.
Over 5.7 million cubic yards of earth has been moved (99% of total). Mass grading within Pond C is now completed.
There are 115 pieces of heavy equipment in operation at any one time with approximately 160 personnel on site.
Contract 2: Terminal Building, Air Traffic Control Tower and Support Buildings
Approximately 17% of the project time on this contract has been utilized and 14% of the work released to date is in place.
- 100% of the spread footings have been excavated and formed, steel reinforcing continues with approximately 8% left to complete.
- 70% of the spread footings have been poured along with 70% of Level 1 columns.
- Plumbing rough-in under slab 1st floor is approximately 60% complete and tested.
- Backfilling and compaction continues around all completed footings and columns.
- 72 Auger cast piles in place utilizing the revised/tested foundation design.
- Completed slab on grade.
- Delivery of pre-engineered building to arrive in February.
- Continuing installation of storm water pipe and structures.
- Storm water pipe and structures in progress.
- Under slab electrical and plumbing rough in complete.
- Completed excavation and installation of reinforcing steel in spread footings.
- Completed concrete placement and installation of anchor bolts.
- Completed excavation for perimeter footings and began setting reinforcing steel.
- Utilities and storm water pipe expected to start by February.
Contract has been executed and all necessary submittals, insurance and bonds have been received from the Contractor.
A limited Notice to Proceed was issued 7-January. The full Notice to Proceed was issued 19-January. Progress Metrics to date:
- 12” Water Main 2,230 linear feet (10%)
- 8” Sewer Force Main 1,525 linear feet (9%)
- Street Light Conduit 3,765 linear feet (10%)
- 3?2” Ductbank 5,140 linear feet (21%)