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Beach Lover
Apr 4, 2006
Good luck guru! Nothing personal.
This area does not have the population to support a regular shuttle at this time.
With or without gov funds.


Beach Fanatic
May 27, 2009
Blue Mtn Beach!!
Chattanooga's downtown bus service is all electric. It can be done...

After reading more about it I think that a trolley would be too large to be electric after all. And I don't think anyone wants to put an electric line down 30A.

BUT clean-burning, environmentally friendly bio-diesel would be good. Wouldn't stink up the place :D

Here's one in Ft Lauderdale run on the bio-diesel.

Sun Trolley - Fort Lauderdale's Community Bus Service

Here's one run on propane

Old Town Trolley Tours? of Washington DC - Environment

I think it is a great idea myself. Wish it would run to Publix :D



Beach Fanatic
Nov 21, 2007
DeFuniak Springs
After reading more about it I think that a trolley would be too large to be electric after all. And I don't think anyone wants to put an electric line down 30A.

BUT clean-burning, environmentally friendly bio-diesel would be good. Wouldn't stink up the place :D

Here's one in Ft Lauderdale run on the bio-diesel.

Sun Trolley - Fort Lauderdale's Community Bus Service

Here's one run on propane

Old Town Trolley Tours? of Washington DC - Environment

I think it is a great idea myself. Wish it would run to Publix :D


Would it smell like french fries? :D


Beach Fanatic
Apr 27, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
I love riding the trolley in New Orleans, but we're not NOLA so we have no need for an electric trolley. That definately would not work on 30A even if there was funding to do it! But it is cool in the cities that do run electric ones.

I personally would love to see a Trolley on 30A. I am hoping that John Finch of SunShine Shuttle and Transportation can make this work for our area. A little belief in something is what we need to work some magic for our community. Maybe if we would think positive about this it might actually take off....I'm wishing him the best of luck. Let's all take a ride on the trolley. Sounds fun! :clap::clap::clap:

Will B

Jan 5, 2006
Atlanta, GA
After reading more about it I think that a trolley would be too large to be electric after all. And I don't think anyone wants to put an electric line down 30A.

No need for ab electric line. They are are battery powered. Here's a picture of one of Chattanooga's buses. I'm sure they can be made to look like a trolley...

Would it smell like french fries? :D

The Mrs and I pulled up to a light one day on the motorcycle. Mrs SC asked if I smelled fries. I did. :drool: Smelled exactly like McDonalds fries despite not being near a fast food joint. At the next light a bio diesel Mercedes pulled up next to us. It had been behind us at the other light!


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Many places have buses/trolleys that run on something besides gasoline, so it is readily available.

Much nicer smelling/sounding too!

I would totally ride a trolley instead of driving - especially to places like Grayton or events.

And since those "drunks and families" are already mixed together at all the venues they are traveling to and from, I am not worried about that. Never met a bus driver that had a problem with booting someone whose behavior was unacceptable - often into the waiting arms of local law enforcement.
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I agree completely Scooterbug. I would attend many more events in Seaside during the summer if I could ride a trolley there instead of spending 40 minutes trying to find a parking spot without running someone over!
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