Fact: Chat. Tenn. Has a pop of about 200,000 with 21% living at a poverty level. Sounds like a place public trans should go well if paid by gov.
Guru is not my competitor. We move in different circles. I was involved in Aspen col attempt by the largest transportation comp in town in the early 80s to start a private shuttle. It was a miserable failure. I watched st Louis start their program. They ende up paying first time passengers. It's gurus money, not mine![/QUOTE]
Sorry, your first post sounded a little whiney.
My thoughts exactly. If the guy wants to run a trolley I'm all for it. I do think that it will work at least for a couple of months out of the year.
Just cur, I'm just curious, would open a buisness here that survival depended on a couple of months a year? My buisness will not fail due to a shuttle. In fact it will prosper. My objection would be for my tax money assisting it at this time.