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SoWal Insider
Nov 3, 2005
No slamming from me. I love being ON the beach for sunset.


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
kathydwells said:
I just have to butt in here and say this. I know I will get slammed for it, but think before you slam me...it is after all my humble opinion.

Take it from a regular "slammee" ...it's no big deal :D (Enjoy the view)


Beach Fanatic
Dec 15, 2005
30-A Corridor
kathydwells said:
I just have to butt in here and say this. I know I will get slammed for it, but think before you slam me...it is after all my humble opinion. Now, this is coming from someone who, unless a miracle happens one day, will never be able to afford to live on 30-A, so money is an issue for me. Perhaps it is not for some of you that are lucky enough to live/have a place on 30-A. There was a comment made that said "there is no where else to watch the sunset and be served a drink, except B & A's". Well, for me there is. It is sitting on the beach with my toe's in the sand sipping on a drink that I made, or a beer that I bought, and by the way, you can buy a six pack for about what they charge you for one, and a whole bottle of your drink of choice for what they charge you for one or two at some of the establishments on 30-A. So, I would much rather make my own drink or bring my own beer to the beach and watch the sunset. Now, having said that, I do enjoy going to B&A's for our "Girls day out" when I am at the beach, but I would much rather be "on" the beach at sunset! Ok, I am done. :lol:

Hurray for you and I totally agree with you - so many forget that these amazing beaches are public and accessible and you can enjoy views whenever you want....picnics are under rated anyways - they can be a marvelous way to watch sunsets or the sun rise.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 2, 2006
CampCreekLou said:
The reason Bud & Alley's is crowded is because it's the only place on the beach to watch the sunset and get served a drink. It's too bad, with Seaside leading the way, more developments didn't follow their example.

I have posted this before but got no reply. I understand Bud and Alleys will close at the end of the year along with my favorite place for a drink the Tarpon Club. :dunno: Has anyone heard the same?


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
josebby said:
Hey all...need your thoughts on the new WaterSound Beach Club.

$20,000 membership fee $675/Quarter dues

Thanks for your help!

On second thought....this just may be a bargain club...check this out:
BOCA RATON, Fla. - A hundred bucks might buy you more than six dozen burgers from McDonald's, but the swanky Old Homestead Steakhouse will sell you one brawny beef sandwich for the same price. Boca Raton Mayor Steven Abrams could barely speak between bites as he devoured the 20-ounce, $100 hamburger billed as the "beluga caviar of sandwiches."

The burger debuted Tuesday at the restaurant in the Boca Raton Resort and Club, where a membership costs $40,000 and an additional $3,600 a year.

"We've never had a hamburger on our menu here so we really wanted to go to the extreme," Sherry said, calling it "the most decadent burger in the world."

At about 5 1/2 inches across and 2 1/2 inches thick, the mound of meat is comprised of beef from three continents ? American prime beef, Japanese Kobe and Argentine cattle.

The bill for one burger, with garnishing that includes organic greens, exotic mushrooms and tomatoes, comes out to $124.50 with tax and an 18 percent tip included.


Beach Fanatic
Jan 25, 2005
Michigan but someday in SoWal as well

Yes, the beautiful beach is still free and you can still find yourself alone on a quiet beach at sunset on 30A through many months of the year (e.g., fall - winter and even some of May at our little area of 30A and I think at many other areas as well). Pretty amazing.

And you'll be happy to know that I've taught our children to never pay $2.00 for a take-out cup or can of soda pop (e.g., on trips) when you can by a case of soda pop for $3.00!


SoWal Insider
SHELLY said:
The burger debuted Tuesday at the restaurant in the Boca Raton Resort and Club, where a membership costs $40,000 and an additional $3,600 a year.

Now I understand why, when asked about the cost, the club president actually said "anybody can afford $100." Doesn't sound like he lives in the real world. :blink:


SoWal Insider
KDW: I'm with you, I actually have never thought about the dearth of places to get a drink and watch the sunset until it was brought up here. Nobody is stopping us from bringing our own beverages. We like to park in our Seagrove lot because the walkover is close and the beach is nice and wide ... great sunsets. The kids roll around in the sand and then we go home after looking for the green flash. Sometimes I envy the couples who casually bring down a whole bottle of wine and a towel and share it quietly, but our way is great too. I'd rather do that than sit at a table or a bar.


Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
Pirate said:
I have posted this before but got no reply. I understand Bud and Alleys will close at the end of the year along with my favorite place for a drink the Tarpon Club. :dunno: Has anyone heard the same?

Not true, coming from the man himself.

Indigo Jill

Beach Fanatic
May 10, 2006
Point Washington
On second thought....this just may be a bargain club...check this out:
BOCA RATON, Fla. - A hundred bucks might buy you more than six dozen burgers from McDonald's, but the swanky Old Homestead Steakhouse will sell you one brawny beef sandwich for the same price. Boca Raton Mayor Steven Abrams could barely speak between bites as he devoured the 20-ounce, $100 hamburger billed as the "beluga caviar of sandwiches."

The burger debuted Tuesday at the restaurant in the Boca Raton Resort and Club, where a membership costs $40,000 and an additional $3,600 a year.

Great point, Shelly, and I'm glad someone here besides me brought it up first as I was thinking of it all along! "Exclusive" clubs around the country cost major money - that is why people join them! And it's no secret St. Joe caters to those that want the privacy and priviledges associated with exclusivity. It's the Country Club mentality (at least up north, where I'm from, that is how it is). My brother just became a member of the club my father has been at forever and the initial fee to join was $35k with a $600 a month fee.:shock: There are a few included perks included but all tee fees are extra, etc. etc. And there is definitely no gorgeous gulf or ocean! Just a pool overlooking the perfectly manicured greens. It's just how much it costs and there are thousands of them around the US.

I actually have been quite surprised by the response of so many over the cost of initiation into the WaterSound Beach Club for this reason - $20K for that view is a DEAL. I mean - we are talking MULTI-million dollar homes and million dollar homesites - and that view!

Just my $.02 cents :razz:
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