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hi my friends!

Great job always! I'm adding you to our friends list, if I can figure out how to do it! Love. Let's eat Indian soon; Taste of India is finally open.

Hello Ladies of SoWal,

Does your husband or partner attempt to DIY your home repairs and renovations without the slightest idea of how the work should actually be done? Have the results of their "adventures" in home repair been less than satisfying? We call that a case of "TESTOSTERONE POISONING". Some cases have been so severe that the job ends up costing you twice as much as it would have if a licensed professional had done the job to begin with. I've heard it said that "prevention is worth a pound of cure" Luckily, there is prevention for this condition. It's called Handyman Connection, and it's as easy as calling 850-622-5262 or emailing hmcdestin@earthlink.net. We are also proficient at curing your repair woes. Either way, let the professionals at Handyman Connection keep your home HEALTHY and keep your spouse out of trouble.
Have a great week!

Thanks to all of you for the kind words and congrats we received for our ?Best of the Emerald Coast? designation.


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Estrogen Overdose

Hello Sowal,

To be fair to the gentlemen of SoWal, this one's for you!
Does your significant other suffer from Estrogen Overdose (otherwise known as spousal nagging) to get those "honey dos" taken care of.

I actually prefer to use the word "suggest" instead of nag. As in, "I suggest you get the guest room painted before my mother gets here". Might we suggest that you get ahead of the game and call Handyman Connection. We'll get your "honey dos" done! So give us a call at 622-5262 or email us at hmcdestin@earthlink.net. We'll even let you take credit for the job. We can be very discrete. The secret to a happy marriage is...... keep your wife happy and you'll be happy. Just ask my husband.

Have a happy life!


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2008
Historic Old Point Washington
I kind of find this post to be offensive, and unfair. What about estrogen underdose???? What about testosterone over/underdose? Couch overdose?


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Hi there,
If you'll check my previous thread about Testosterone Poisoning, you'll see I was just giving equal time to the gentlemen of Sowal. It was meant to be humorous - in no way offensive. Your thread did give me some fresh ideas for future posts. Thanks for that and for you reply.
Always appreciated!
Have a great day!

I kind of find this post to be offensive, and unfair. What about estrogen underdose???? What about testosterone over/underdose? Couch overdose?


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Holiday Discounts

Hello Sowal,

October is almost over and it?s time to start planning for the holidays. The thing about this time of year is that it goes by so quickly it feels like you just don?t have a chance to relax and enjoy all the festivities. That?s how it is for me anyway. Inviting family and friends to your home is part of the fun and it?s also a great excuse to get those items on your ?honey do? list taken care of. This is your chance to get a jump on all the spiffing up you?ve been wanting to do. Handyman Connection is offering a ?Get ready for the Holidays? special. Any work orders that are scheduled and completed before Christmas 2009 will receive an addtional10% off our coupon price. So get your ?list? together and give us a call at 622-5262 or email us at hmcdestin@earthlink.net and we?ll put a fresh sparkle on your home for the holidays.

Have a great week!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Priorities priorities

Hello SoWal,

I?ve heard all over the media that the recession is over, that we are now in the recovery phase, and ?Life? as we prefer to know it, is returning. The last couple of years have been a lesson in prioritizing our needs. We know the basics are clean air to breath, fresh water to drink, and enough food on our tables feed our families. Shelter from the weather comes next to my mind and that?s where Handyman Connection comes in. Take the time to go through your home and make note of any repairs you might need to make. Keep in mind that small repairs can grow like unattended weeds if not properly managed. If you see items that need attention in your home we?ll give you a free estimate on the cost of the repair and approximate materials cost. That way you can make educated choices about how to keep your shelter in good shape and keep your family warm and dry this winter. Give us a call for that free estimate at 622-5262 or email us at hmcdestin@earthlink.net.

Have a great week!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Holiday gift solutions

Hello SoWal,

For the person on your gift list who has everything, Handyman Connection has the perfect Holiday Gift Solution. Do you have family or friends whose home needs repairs or renovations? Does your great Aunt Tessie have door and window trim that her sweet little dog, Killer has chewed beyond recognition? Are there dents in the walls of your parent?s home where your children have been playing catch with Granpa? Does your spouse need a shed built to house the results of all those artistic endeavors? Here?s a unique idea for Holiday gift giving. Handyman Connection has gift certificates available at all price ranges. Give us a call at 850-622-5262 email us at hmcdestin@earthlink.net and we?ll send you or the person of your choice one or more of our Holiday Gift Certificates.
Happy Holidays from Handyman Connection!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Veterans day salute

Hello Sowal,

?The Great War? otherwise known as World War I officially ended when the Treaty of Versailles was signed on June 28, 1919. An armistice between the Allied nations and Germany went into effect on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month. Take time today November 11th to consider the heroism of those who died in this country?s service and those whose continued courage goes above and beyond to keep America free and safe. Your friends at Handyman Connection salute the brave men and women who serve in all aspects of our military and as always offer a military discount for those who need our services.

Have a great day!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Sowal,

Thanksgiving is right around the corner and so are the family and friends that are set to arrive next week. If you are having the big dinner at your home and need some last minute touch ups to make your home sparkle, let us know. Does your front door need a fresh coat of paint? Is the commode in the powder room loose and wobbly? Can?t have the ones you love teetering on the brink of a fall on the hard tile floor. Speaking of tile, do you want to replace those that are cracked and chipped? We will make a point of taking care of your repair needs before your company arrives if at all possible. Give us a call at 622-5262 or email us at hmcdestin@earthlink.net and we?ll help you get your home in shape for the holidays.
Have a great Thanksgiving!!!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
A Holiday Carol

Hello Sowal,

?Twas three weeks before the holidays and all through the house things needed fixing, but not by a louse.
So I called Handyman Connection to get the job done by experienced craftsmen who don?t charge a ton.
They showed up on time and worked straight on through, finished on schedule and on budget, too.
I surveyed the improvements and a smile lit my face, of my former problems there remained not a trace.
The drip in the kitchen was dripping no more, there was a fresh coat of paint and a sparkling new floor.
I could now entertain with no worries this year, not even old Scrooge would find reason to sneer.
I knew family and friends would exclaim with delight, ? Just look at your home. It?s a beautiful sight!

Happy Holidays from your friends at Handyman Connection.
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