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Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
End of the Season

Hello SoWal,

We?re quickly approaching the end of the tourist season and the beaches and the roads reflect that fact. From what I could tell it looks like we had a bountiful 2009. Rental agencies were slammed and we had our share of gridlock (without too much slamming) on Highways 98 and 30-A. Even though it looks like our economy is on the mend, Handyman Connection will keep the same pricing that we have maintained for the last 4 years. That?s right, we have not raised our prices since 2005. Some businesses will advertise the same prices but lower the quantity and/or quality of their product. We endeavor to maintain the highest standards in our quality of workmanship and amount of time we spend to make it right. If this sounds like what you?re looking for in a home improvement service, then give us a call at 622-5262 or toll free at 1-866-650-3287 and we?ll give you a free estimate and our best efforts.
Have a great week!!!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Hppy Labor Day!

Hello SoWal,

Labor Day is this coming Monday, September 7th. In commemoration of that, here’s a bit of trivia for you. The Labor Day holiday dates back to September of 1883, when an Irish cabinetmaker named Peter McGuire staged a parade as a tribute to American industry workers. Few if any workers had the day off and most were warned against marching and threatened with termination if they chose to do so. Despite the warnings, more than 10,000 workers showed up for the march. Led by mounted police, bricklayers wearing white aprons paraded down Broadway in New York City, accompanied by a band playing “Killarney”.
Twelve years later, President Grover Cleveland, who was not really a supporter of the movement, caved to voter pressure and officially signed Labor Day into existence. So here we are 126 years later, celebrating with “White Sales” instead of aprons and in fact frowning on wearing white altogether. Take a moment, this Labor Day to reach back to the original reason for this holiday and celebrate the many accomplishments of the American Worker. Be safe and have a great holiday!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Happy Labor Day!

Hello SoWal,

Labor Day is this coming Monday, September 7th. In commemoration of that, here?s a bit of trivia for you. The Labor Day holiday dates back to September of 1883, when an Irish cabinetmaker named Peter McGuire staged a parade as a tribute to American industry workers. Few if any workers had the day off and most were warned against marching and threatened with termination if they chose to do so. Despite the warnings, more than 10,000 workers showed up for the march. Led by mounted police, bricklayers wearing white aprons paraded down Broadway in New York City, accompanied by a band playing ?Killarney?.
Twelve years later, President Grover Cleveland, who was not really a supporter of the movement, caved to voter pressure and officially signed Labor Day into existence. So here we are 126 years later, celebrating with ?White Sales? instead of aprons and in fact frowning on wearing white altogether. Take a moment, this Labor Day to reach back to the original reason for this holiday and celebrate the many accomplishments of the American Worker. Be safe and have a great holiday!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Feedback appreciated!

Hello SoWal,

We here at Handyman Connection would like to know what you are looking for in a home improvement company. Besides the obvious, licensed, bonded, and insured, what do you expect? Correct me if I?m mistaken, but I know that price is an issue. It?s a ?gimme? if the price is out of your budget, but what if the price is below the usual and customary. Does that make you think ?Boy! I can get this done really cheap? or are you concerned that the job won?t be completed to your satisfaction or completed at all. Do you like the fact that a large company is going to stand behind their craftsmen and their work? I?m sure you expect them to show up (being on time is a nice touch, don?t you think?). We have an excellent business model, but we would like to ?fine tune? it so we can offer you the best home improvement company around. So our question to you is, what would it take to be the one you call for all your home repairs and remodeling needs?
We would really appreciate to your feedback. You can call 622-5262, email us at hmcdestin@earthlink.net or just reply to this thread. We?re looking forward to your response.

Have a great week!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Rain rain go away

Hello SoWal,

We certainly have had our share of rain and them some here lately. It?s a good time to test how well the caulk around your windows and doors is working. It?s also a good time to check your ceilings for signs of water leaks in your roofing system or skylights. Any slight discoloration in areas can be due to mild to moderate roof leaks. If a leak surpasses the moderate stage you might notice a bulge in the ceiling or worse. Standing under the bulge and poking it with a stick is not recommended. If you do see any telltale signs, please call a reputable roofer and then let us know when the leak is repaired. We?ll come out and give you a free estimate on returning your ceilings and/or walls to their pre-leak state or better. Call 622-5262 or email us at hmcdestin@earthlink.net and we?ll give you an appointment for a free estimate. To our Jewish friends we wish you a sweet and prosperous New Year.


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
The Great Outdoors

Hello SoWal,

Isn?t the weather beautiful? Now is one of the best times of year to enjoy the great outdoors in our area. There is an abundance of wonderful activities to experience in the coming weeks. The list is too lengthy for this thread, so we highly recommend checking out the ?Walton Outdoors? website. If you are thinking about enhancing your outdoor experience in your own backyard, Handyman Connection can definitely help you with that. Would you like to spruce up your existing deck or maybe add to it? How about adding a beautiful new arbor or pergola. There is an exciting, ?state of the art? product that is new to our area. Arbors and Pergolas made from fiberglass. They?re weather resistant, have extraordinary strength, and can be custom designed to meet your specifications. Given the fact that wood and metal tend to breakdown so quickly in our climate, these products have a limited lifetime guarantee! For more info about these, call A&A Arbors at 850-865-5255. For anything else call Handyman Connection at 850-622-5262.

Have a great week!


Beach Lover
Oct 17, 2008
Testosterone poisoning

Hello Ladies of SoWal,

Does your husband or partner attempt to DIY your home repairs and renovations without the slightest idea of how the work should actually be done? Have the results of their "adventures" in home repair been less than satisfying? We call that a case of "TESTOSTERONE POISONING". Some cases have been so severe that the job ends up costing you twice as much as it would have if a licensed professional had done the job to begin with. I've heard it said that "prevention is worth a pound of cure" Luckily, there is prevention for this condition. It's called Handyman Connection, and it's as easy as calling 850-622-5262 or emailing
hmcdestin@earthlink.net. We are also proficient at curing your repair woes. Either way, let the professionals at Handyman Connection keep your home HEALTHY and keep your spouse out of trouble.
Have a great week!

Thanks to all of you for the kind words and congrats we received for our ?Best of the Emerald Coast? designation.
Actually my sweet husband knows how to fix just about anything.

For example, pool heater goes out ... the pool company charges $900 to repair it. Hubby discovered that a $29.95 part on the heater rusts due to the beach weather and needs to be replaced every once in a while.

Now when the pool heater goes out, he fixes it for $29.95 plus tax.:D

Not everyone is lucky enough to have a handyman (or woman, in the case of my best friend whose husband can't fix anything).

So most people need someone like HandymanConnect.:wave:


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Hey, at least I know my limits - no electrical or plumbing!

The rest can all be fixed with duct tape, glue, nails, and dim lighting! :D


SoWal Expert
Aug 29, 2005
grapevine, tx. /On the road to SoWal
Hey, at least I know my limits - no electrical or plumbing!

The rest can all be fixed with duct tape, glue, nails, and dim lighting! :D


Seriously, HMC...I wish you were closer. I find I am the handyman around here most of the time..and I am soooo not looking forward to re-grouting the shower. :bang:
Hope you get lots of calls!!!
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