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Beach Fanatic
May 29, 2005
seagrove beach
Have you seen the home where Charlie lives now? While others talk the talk Mr. Hilton walks the walk. He is a model of self discipline and if most Americans would follow his example we would not have an economy like we do.

He can do anything he wants with his property in Paradise within the limits of the law. He can also push the limits of the law as effectively as anyone I know of.

Correct. The house may not be at the top of his priorty list but if he wanted it finished inside the time frame of the Bellagio construction, it would have been. He would not have started it had he not been able to afford it. Its as simple as that.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 11, 2005
I'm sure those in the construction biz know this better than me...

But, I heard that the property taxes would go up dramatically once a CO was issued, hence Hilton's allowing construction to drag on.

Even if that's wrong or not the case for Hilton, I expect that Shelly's got it right, he'd have it done if it wasn't advantageous in some way for him not to complete it.
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I'm sure those in the construction biz know this better than me...

But, I heard that the property taxes would go up dramatically once a CO was issued, hence Hilton's allowing construction to drag on.

Even if that's wrong or not the case for Hilton, I expect that Shelly's got it right, he'd have it done if it wasn't advantageous in some way for him not to complete it.

I had the property appraiser at one of my jobs 2 days ago that was pre-C.O. Once you get to a certain point in construction the County can probably begin taxing the improvement.

It doesn't make math sense for a multi-million dollar project to move slowly so that the property taxes don't get raised. I know Shelly's usually correct, but Shelly's wrong about this one. Mr. Hilton can finish his home anytime he feels like it. He's got the manpower and cash.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 9, 2007
I no longer stay in Dune Allen
If Hilton is as wealthy as everyone would like to believe, the reason this place isn't finished (now almost 10 years in the making) goes way beyond windows and doors.

It took only 5 years to build the Bellagio in Las Vegas--that was from the day of implosion of the old Dunes hotel in 1994 until the Bellagio opened its doors for business in 1998.

It has 36 stories, 3,026 rooms, and an 8 acre man-made lake with a $40 million dancing fountain with 1,200 nozzles, highlighted by 4,500 colored lights choreographed to shoot water up to 250 feet into the air.

It's apparent that Hilton doesn't have the wherewithal to get his beach house done--he's lacking something (money, skilled workers, sound construction, etc) and/or is benefiting in some personal/financial way by having this thing drag on and on and on.



I had the property appraiser at one of my jobs 2 days ago that was pre-C.O. Once you get to a certain point in construction the County can probably begin taxing the improvement.

It doesn't make math sense for a multi-million dollar project to move slowly so that the property taxes don't get raised. I know Shelly's usually correct, but Shelly's wrong about this one. Mr. Hilton can finish his home anytime he feels like it. He's got the manpower and cash.
By having the emboldened part in his statement above SHELLY makes it so he can't be wrong. Obviously there is some reason that it isn't finished yet, or else it would be finished. Possible example : Maybe the guy just likes seeing it in process, hence that would be a personal benefit.

Lady D

SoWal Insider
Jun 21, 2005
Memphis, Tennessee, United States
Thanks! Click on residences and it's the first one. Fascinating photos and description.


Nestled amid the sand dunes on the Gulf of Mexico at Panama City, Florida, the Hilton residence contains 9,500 square feet of living space. Primary rooms are suspended on concrete pods at various levels within a greenhouse structure of coral-tinted reflective glazing. One interior stairway encircles a glass-enclosed elevator, while another winds around fully grown native palms. The top lacuna of an exterior two-level saltwater swimming pool fountains into the lower basin, then enters the interior by flowing beneath the edge of a glazed wall. Tiered roof wings sweep upward, forming a series of clerestories that shield the open floor plan from excessive sun exposure while presenting unobstructed views of the oceanfront during daytime and allowing stargazing at night. Remote-controlled fabric panels placed strategically over the glazing provide additional solar protection.

Interior spaces flow freely without walls or partitions, while scale and volume are tempered through the placement of palms and other tropical flora. Level changes rhythmically establish area separations and maximize direct ocean views. The varying colors and textures of terraces, walls, planters, and pools avoid sharp definitions of boundary, integrating the the interior and exterior of the home into a sense of contained movement. The gestures of the form join harmoniously with the surrounding swell of seabird, ocean waves, and sand dunes that embrace an exceptional building site. Everything set forward for the program by the clients indicated a desire for fluidity. All the exterior benefits of the site, such as sea breezes and ocean sunsets, are integrated into the residence to establish a refuge from the hectic pace of a busy business life and create a soothing place to relax, read, and write.

They are wrong about the location though. Of course it is not in Panama City. But it is quite an interesting design. I got some pictures of it either this past summer or the one before.
I'm sure those in the construction biz know this better than me...

But, I heard that the property taxes would go up dramatically once a CO was issued, hence Hilton's allowing construction to drag on.

Even if that's wrong or not the case for Hilton, I expect that Shelly's got it right, he'd have it done if it wasn't advantageous in some way for him not to complete it.

It's probably comforting for Mr Hilton to know that Billy Bearden worked for him and that they have mutual respect for one another. That's not a bad thing.
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