I thought Doodle sold that track to Geoff Wilder who ultimately sold it to LUK.
I hope it's not in bad taste to talk about. I'm relaying it the way I understand it from my talks with Doodle because I found it intriguing. The Rosemary tract was sold to LUK in 2 phases. 1 South of 30A, the other North of 30A. I understood that Doodle had all the land in the original Barber tract in his control and the South Rosemary tract went to LUK before the North tract. How the South went from Doodle to LUK I don't know. I was just told that Rosemary was to be only South of 30A in its original plan.
What I do understand was that when the North 30A tract for Rosemary was in negotiation for purchase by LUK, Doodle flew to meet with LUK executives, including Joseph Steinberg, in NY and, instead of starting the negotiation with LUK's purchase of the North, Doodle turned the negotiation upside down by asking LUK what their expected return was going to be on the development of the North. They responded with their anticipated total return and, instead of moving forward with North talks, Doodle presented LUK with an offer, and a check, to purchase the South parcel back from them at that same rate of return.
Of course LUK rejected the offer to sell back the South parcel. This made it apparent that it was much more valuable to LUK than they previously had said and set the stage for continued negotiations on the North tract with Doodle in a much more fertile and advantageous position.
Pretty simple negotiating gambit on his part, but so exacting at the same time.
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