Wow…. I guess when you ask a politician for a clear and concise view on whether he supports or opposes oil and gas drilling and exploration in state waters, you get a politician’s answer.
It would have so refreshing to hear him say, plain and simple, “I oppose all drilling in state waters.” Unfortunately, Senator Gaetz did not say this. In fact, if it weren’t for his concern about the effect on the military, he might even say that he supports it …. provided that “the drilling advocates” could convince him that it would be good for our economy and for gas prices while also being safe for our environment.
Perhaps, rather than questioning the Proponents of drilling, he should pose his questions to the Opponents of near-shore drilling. Obviously, drilling advocates are just that – they advocate that drilling in our local waters (which go from the shore to about 9 miles out) will be great for the economy and relatively harmless to our environment.
This weekend, I had a chance to view the final form of the bill that passed the House in the last days of the 2009 session. The bill, HB 1219, was filed as a 2-page bill. By the end of the session, that bill had expanded to become a 21-page bill. Most of the late amendments to the bill included how the drilling and exploration revenues would be spent in our state. The bill states that the royalties, rents and payments that the State receives will go toward a litany of wonderful programs for our state. Of course, the money currently being spent on those programs will just be re-appropriated to other areas (not unlike the lottery money that replaced the old education funding dollars).
The bottom line is that the oil drilling advocates and our State Representatives & Senators who will be filing this bill during the next session believe that we, the people, can be easily bought off.
It is sad to me that 100% of our panhandle representatives voted in favor of the House Bill in 2009. And it is sad to me that Senator Gaetz refuses to take a position opposing all drilling and exploration in state waters. Can he really be convinced that the technology is so advanced now that there will be no environmental harm? If that is so, then why did HB 1219 contain a provision requiring a surety bond of either $500 million dollars (!!!)
or (and please carefully read this language):
“A calculated cost estimate for potential damages related to, but not limited to, air, water, and ground pollution, destruction of wildlife or marine productivity, and any other damage that impairs the health and general welfare of the citizens of the state, as based on reasonably foreseeable accidents or occurrences associated with the particular oil and gas development or production activity within the immediate area of the oil and gas lease.”
Those risks sound pretty scary to me!
What should we do?
Well, while Senator Gaetz makes the point that he can’t know how to react until a bill is actually filed for the next session, we surely do not need to be sitting on our hands waiting for that unfortunate day to occur. Because it WILL occur.
What we all need to do is let Senator Gaetz (and Representative Coley) know that we, the citizens, do not support ANY oil or gas exploration in state waters! In fact, why don’t Senator Gaetz, Representative Coley and the other members of the local panhandle delegation follow the lead of our business communities (area Chambers of Commerce), ALL of which oppose any oil and gas exploration in our state waters. We need to put the pressure on the folks who are representing us in the Florida House and Senate. This issue is not going away! And I am convinced that it will be the biggest issue that will be faced in 2010.
If you are interested in following the history of last session’s House Bill or if you want to stay on top of what is being filed and amended this year, you can go to Florida’s Online Sunshine, which has all sorts of information and ways to track legislation: If you want to see last year’s bill, what you do is click on the word “House” on the left of the page. Then, on the left under the words “Bill Finder” you can put in the year “2009” and the number “1219” in the empty box below that. Press “Go” and the page with all this bill’s history will pop up. Fool around on it awhile and you can see the vote history, the specific amendments that either failed or were adopted, the final bill language (referred to as the Engrossed 1), the various staff analyses of the bill, etc.
Let’s keep the dialogue going about this important issue. While I understand why he says what he says, I disagree wholeheartedly with Senator Gaetz’ opinion that this issue must be studied and understood before we can really make an informed decision. Really? You mean there WOULD be situations where we could all support oil rigs and oil & gas exploration in our pristine state waters? I don’t think so. And I hope you don’t think so either.
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