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David Pleat

Beach Comber
Aug 31, 2009
Dave, Keep up the great work. Together we can hold these elected officials responsible for their votes and actions. Count me in for Hands across the sand. We need to let them know that we, the citizens, do matter.

Bobby J

Beach Fanatic
Apr 18, 2005
Blue Mountain beach
Protecting only the military mission is very different than protecting the ocean! So is everyone OK with drilling as long as it's in someone else's part of the gulf?
Don't let em off the hook. We lose if we get drilling anywhere ! They don't need to do it. It is pure greed!

Can you imagine the "brown bags" being exchanged over this one! :bang:


Beach Lover
Jun 5, 2008
Incensed and Appalled

Thank you for posting this information. I am sick.We have not invested our vacation dollars in the coast of my home state of Alabama for all of the years we have been vacationing because of Alabama's permissiveness of off shore drilling, visible from the shore!!!! My reaction to first seeing the derrick off shore was intense and I feel it regrettably and palpably to this day. I was shocked; it RUINED the experience and I have never been back. Now, many years later I realize it does not matter whether you can see it from shore; just that much further only removes it from the visible disgust but not the environmental and economic REAL hazards. I believe it was my favorite sowal tamale makers that previously posted the illustrative map of off shore rigs off LA. MS and AL that some might find helpful.

I don't often use this expression but DEAR GOD! Please, do not let this happen. We'll come to the beach to evidence our solidarity with you; to whom should we write? Your electeds? Carl Hiaasen?


SoWal Insider
Jun 13, 2005
Thank you for posting this information. I am sick.We have not invested our vacation dollars in the coast of my home state of Alabama for all of the years we have been vacationing because of Alabama's permissiveness of off shore drilling, visible from the shore!!!! My reaction to first seeing the derrick off shore was intense and I feel it regrettably and palpably to this day. I was shocked; it RUINED the experience and I have never been back. Now, many years later I realize it does not matter whether you can see it from shore; just that much further only removes it from the visible disgust but not the environmental and economic REAL hazards. I believe it was my favorite sowal tamale makers that previously posted the illustrative map of off shore rigs off LA. MS and AL that some might find helpful.

I don't often use this expression but DEAR GOD! Please, do not let this happen. We'll come to the beach to evidence our solidarity with you; to whom should we write? Your electeds? Carl Hiaasen?

To Daulphin Island,
With Love,

(This beauty drifted 66 miles)

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Beach Lover
Jan 7, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
No Oil Drilling along the Emerald Coast!

This shot was taken at Dauphin Island after Hurricane Katrina. We will do what needs to be done to not see this sight on our coastline. This is one of the most important issues that we need to address now, thanks Dave and please keep us notified of what we need to do to help prevent oil drilling off of Florida's Emerald Coast.

jack S

Beach Lover
Jun 12, 2007

Miss Kitty

Jun 10, 2005
Count on 8 Kitty family hands on this great day of support! :clap:

Fill, Baby Fill...fill the beaches with your hands to stop this lunacy!

Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
Senator Don Gaetz's position on Near Shore Oil Drilling

As promised Senator Don Gaetz sent me his in depth views regarding Oil Drilling in the our waters. I am very pleased to receive his comments, share them with you and thank him for taking the time to expand our understanding of his position.

I see this as a beginning; a beginning of an important and crucial dialog between the citizens of Northwest Florida and Senator Gaetz and other local lawmakers about this issue of proposed future oil exploration of our region.

The haste and timing in which House Bill 1219 (Oil Drill Bill) was passed is a cause for great concern for our region. The fact that Governor Christ wanted to consider taking up offshore oil drilling during a possible 2 day special session is an even greater cause for concern. Thankfully, It appears that won't happen this month and it is heartening to see in his comments below Senator Gaetz appears to be steering a more deliberate and thoughtful course regarding this issue. Any effort to push through this type of highly impactful legislation on our region could very well be political folly.

Dear Dave,

Thanks very much for your email, for the clarification you posted and for our telephone conversation. You may certainly post or otherwise distribute the following in any way you feel is appropriate:

This past Friday I learned that Dave Rauschkolb had posted on a local website a definitive statement that I have commited to supporting a bill authorizing offshore oil drilling in our area. Dave and I have known each other for more than 20 years, during all of which I have been a South Walton property owner and taxpayer and, for a time, a member and chairman of the Seaside Town Council. I was surprised to read Dave's posting since he had never contacted me about my position on this issue, despite our longstanding friendship. When I called him to inquire as to his source, it turned out he was relying upon information from a political candidate from a party other than mine who also had never spoken with me.

I appreciate this chance to share my views directly.

During my three years as a senator the issue of offshore drilling has come before the Senate once, in 2007. I voted with the majority of the Senate in favor of a resolution encouraging our state's congressional delegation to oppose unfettered offshore drilling.

In 2009 the House of Representatives voted in favor of a bill which would have given broad authority to the Governor and Cabinet to pursue offshore drilling. That bill was not considered by the Senate. If it would have come to the Senate floor in the form the House passed it, I would have voted against the bill because it was far too broadly drawn and did not protect Northwest Florida.

I am not opposed to expanding domestic oil and gas production. In fact, I favor an aggressive energy independence policy that would loosen the stranglehold which the Middle East has on the American economy and American national security. In my view, our country must take strong action to distance ourselves from the whims and demands of oil producing countries in the Middle East. That's why I support expanded nuclear power, expanded clean coal energy, cost-effective alternative fuels and more oil and gas exploration and refining here in America.

This is not a bumper sticker issue. In my view, the responsible approach is neither "Drill, baby, drill" nor an oil derrick with a NO sign through it. For those of us in Northwest Florida, there are several concerns that have to be addressed carefully and factually.

For me, the first question that has to be asked and answered is the impact of any offshore exploration or drilling proposal on the foundation of our regional economy -- our military bases and military missions. Historically, our military has raised the caution flag about unfettered offshore drilling becaus of the affect it could have on the testing and training missions conducted in the Eglin Range by the Air Force and Navy. The maps I have seen show the Eglin Range comprising a significant portion of the Gulf of Mexico from Pensacola to the southern end of the Florida penninsula. I have heard military officials express concern that oil or gas platforms above the waves in parts of the Eglin Range could compromise our military missions.

I will not vote for any offshore oil or gas exploration that would compromise the testing and training missions of the military. Aside from the national defense implications, the economy of Northwest Florida depends on our military bases and related industries. There is no aspect of our regional economy which provides more jobs and more resources than the military and military contractors. Other locales and states are actively competing against us for our bases and missions. The tens of thousands of families who depend directly on those jobs and the hundreds of thousands who depend on the economic activity generated by those jobs have to be taken into account in considering any proposed legislation.

That's why I continue to consult with base officials about various proposals which have been presented, withdrawn, amended, or advocated concerning offshore drilling and exploration. If a bill on this subject were to reach the floor of the Senate, my first five phone calls would be to the commanders of the five military bases in my district from Pensacola to Panama City.

I am not an expert on drilling or exploration technology but I am learning more all the time. Technology does exist which would allow exploration beneath the surface without huge oil platforms in the immediate area. Military officials have told me that could mitigate some of their concerns and therefore some of the concerns I share with many area residents. The determination will be in the details of any specific proposal.

Like many of my neighbors who live and work in South Walton and other beachfront areas, I will have probing questions about the environmental safety of drilling and exploration technology. Our incomprable beaches shouldn't be and don't have to be victims of careless stewardship. Like others in our area, I'll want to know about the refining capabilities that would support exploration and drilling, where they would be located, and how they would be operated. I'll ask any drilling advocates who appear before me in the Senate to detail the lead time and positive impact additional drilling in the Gulf would have on energy prices for consumers. I'll ask about the several thousand oil and gas platforms now in the Gulf which are not being used. And, certainly I'll want to know from valid and reliable sources the revenue impact and cost impact on our state. I'm sure there will be even more questions arise as specific proposals are written and defined and debated.

That is the final and perhaps most important point to make: there is no offshore oil drilling bill introduced in the Florida Legislature as of this date. It's likely there will be a bill and that it will be sponsored by very influential and respected legislators. However, no bill exists today and therefore it isn't possible for me to evaluate how its specific terms and conditions would affect our military, our economy, our environment, prices at the pump, costs or revenues.

I believe it is not responsible to declare for or against a bill that hasn't been introduced or even written yet. Moreover, few bills are passed in the form in which they are introduced. The amendatory process can substantially change a bill for better or worse. As you might infer from my comments here, it's likely that I would be among those offering amendments to a bill dealing with offshore oil and gas exploration and drilling. You might also infer the nature of such amendments from my comments.

If a bill of this nature is introduced -- and I think it's likely that will happen -- I will be asking the people I represent to consider the legislation and offer their comments, positive and negative, and their suggestions, if any, for change. Aside from exploring the variables I've outlined above through committee hearings and meeting directly with proponents and opponents, I want to listen to what the people of Northwest Florida think before I decide how to vote. While I welcome comments at any time on any subject, the most useful guidance from constituents will probably come after a bill is in final form and we've all had the opportunity to review it.

That approach seems to give us a better chance to make good public policy than to rely on second and third hand characterizations of my position from well-meaning folks who didn't speak with me nor have they had the opportunity to actually read what the 2010 Legislature might be asked to consider.


Senator Don Gaetz

Grayton Girl

Beach Fanatic
Jul 5, 2005
Wow…. I guess when you ask a politician for a clear and concise view on whether he supports or opposes oil and gas drilling and exploration in state waters, you get a politician’s answer.

It would have so refreshing to hear him say, plain and simple, “I oppose all drilling in state waters.” Unfortunately, Senator Gaetz did not say this. In fact, if it weren’t for his concern about the effect on the military, he might even say that he supports it …. provided that “the drilling advocates” could convince him that it would be good for our economy and for gas prices while also being safe for our environment.

Perhaps, rather than questioning the Proponents of drilling, he should pose his questions to the Opponents of near-shore drilling. Obviously, drilling advocates are just that – they advocate that drilling in our local waters (which go from the shore to about 9 miles out) will be great for the economy and relatively harmless to our environment.

This weekend, I had a chance to view the final form of the bill that passed the House in the last days of the 2009 session. The bill, HB 1219, was filed as a 2-page bill. By the end of the session, that bill had expanded to become a 21-page bill. Most of the late amendments to the bill included how the drilling and exploration revenues would be spent in our state. The bill states that the royalties, rents and payments that the State receives will go toward a litany of wonderful programs for our state. Of course, the money currently being spent on those programs will just be re-appropriated to other areas (not unlike the lottery money that replaced the old education funding dollars).

The bottom line is that the oil drilling advocates and our State Representatives & Senators who will be filing this bill during the next session believe that we, the people, can be easily bought off.

It is sad to me that 100% of our panhandle representatives voted in favor of the House Bill in 2009. And it is sad to me that Senator Gaetz refuses to take a position opposing all drilling and exploration in state waters. Can he really be convinced that the technology is so advanced now that there will be no environmental harm? If that is so, then why did HB 1219 contain a provision requiring a surety bond of either $500 million dollars (!!!) or (and please carefully read this language):
“A calculated cost estimate for potential damages related to, but not limited to, air, water, and ground pollution, destruction of wildlife or marine productivity, and any other damage that impairs the health and general welfare of the citizens of the state, as based on reasonably foreseeable accidents or occurrences associated with the particular oil and gas development or production activity within the immediate area of the oil and gas lease.”
Those risks sound pretty scary to me!

What should we do?
Well, while Senator Gaetz makes the point that he can’t know how to react until a bill is actually filed for the next session, we surely do not need to be sitting on our hands waiting for that unfortunate day to occur. Because it WILL occur.

What we all need to do is let Senator Gaetz (and Representative Coley) know that we, the citizens, do not support ANY oil or gas exploration in state waters! In fact, why don’t Senator Gaetz, Representative Coley and the other members of the local panhandle delegation follow the lead of our business communities (area Chambers of Commerce), ALL of which oppose any oil and gas exploration in our state waters. We need to put the pressure on the folks who are representing us in the Florida House and Senate. This issue is not going away! And I am convinced that it will be the biggest issue that will be faced in 2010.

If you are interested in following the history of last session’s House Bill or if you want to stay on top of what is being filed and amended this year, you can go to Florida’s Online Sunshine, which has all sorts of information and ways to track legislation:
www.leg.state.fl.us If you want to see last year’s bill, what you do is click on the word “House” on the left of the page. Then, on the left under the words “Bill Finder” you can put in the year “2009” and the number “1219” in the empty box below that. Press “Go” and the page with all this bill’s history will pop up. Fool around on it awhile and you can see the vote history, the specific amendments that either failed or were adopted, the final bill language (referred to as the Engrossed 1), the various staff analyses of the bill, etc.

Let’s keep the dialogue going about this important issue. While I understand why he says what he says, I disagree wholeheartedly with Senator Gaetz’ opinion that this issue must be studied and understood before we can really make an informed decision. Really? You mean there WOULD be situations where we could all support oil rigs and oil & gas exploration in our pristine state waters? I don’t think so. And I hope you don’t think so either.

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