Greatest Love of All...
I've thought about this issue a lot this weekend while enjoying our lovely beaches...
Ask yourself a question. What do you love most about living or visiting here? Is it an active lifestyle? Is it the weather? Is it the restaurants? We love all of these things. But when you get to the heart of the question, odds are your answer is that your greatest love of living/visiting here is the beach.
Hold that thought for a minute...
Now ask yourself-
In general what is your greatest love of all. Odds are you would answer that it is your spouse, your children, your family and dear friends.
So what if someone came along with an offer to address any short term monetary/budgetary issues you might have. But there was a risk, albeit a small one, that your greatest love of all could be killed or severely harmed. Would you take the money?
You would not. Because no amount of money is worth putting your greatest love of all in harm's way.
Despite what the corporations, the lobbyists and the politicians say, this really is a simple issue. They are considering putting our greatest love of all in harm's way.
This isn't about energy independence, this isn't about lowering anyone's cost at the pump. This isn't about creating jobs. This is about the rich and powerful wanting to become more rich and powerful.
The oil companies will parade their experts in front of our elected officials. They will present data that says drilling is safe because of advancement in technology and technique. They will make many promises and entice us with legal tender.
No. Not here. There are some things more precious than money.
Let's send a message to our elected officials that we will hold them accountable. As far as I am concerned, any politican who is seriously considering putting my greatest love of all in harm's way should be aggressively campaigned against. They lack judgement or their priorities are misplaced. They don't represent our best interests but rather- they represent the interests of oil companies. They are in it for only the legal tender.
End rant.