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Just Curious

Beach Fanatic
Apr 22, 2009

Could go to brunch in this and be politically correct?

I would support those LSV's on 30-A ;-)


Beach Lover
Nov 14, 2009
Walton County, FL
I am truly working on my diplomacy skills as there are rules on this board all of which I'm not sure of, but am a little rusty this morning with it.
If you think the citizen quote at the bottom of your post is so true then you should include all the names of the people involved in this effort to keep our beaches beautiful, but I've noticed they are just doing their best to get the job done and not looking to have their picture in the paper. It seems like most everytime Dave posts, you pop up and ask for the credit- this is not a one man band operation. Dave's motive is clear, but yours is a bit muddy. I'm sorry, it wasn't in your post, who did you say you worked for?
There is a big difference between what our military needs to do for national security and what corporations do to further their income- let's not mix the two as if they are one and the same. The "chum fields" are to prevent our families from being chum. Chum and oil do not mix.
I smell a rat here somewhere, but can't quite place my finger on it.
Please clear this up as I have nothing personal against you, but I want to know the truth, something isn't adding up here.:wave:
Also, my personal apologies if I am misinterpreting the situation here.

Note to Kurt, If I am out of line as to how I expressed myself feel free to delete, this was the diplomatic version for me.

Response to Beauty Hunter

You deserve a response to your questions, though I am unsure if I answer them adequately or to your liking. Please excuse the long post.

I apologize if my recent post confuses you. You are quite possibly misinterpreting the situation as a result of a lack of clarity on my post's part. And the "popping up" for credit is definitely not my motive and is presumably a misinterpretation on your part. I personally deserve no credit for anything regarding the Hands Across the Sand "cause".

My post was not meant to do anything other than point to press articles, etc. to keep others who are interested informed of either realities or (mis)perceptions published in the press.

The past and most recent mentions of R Shaffer's letters/articles in the Sun since November are nothing more that a realization that Shaffer's original letter published in the Sun in November 2009 triggered about 4 weeks of press response from Sun readers supporting the "cause" as well as an opportunity for Dave to have his article published in the Sun. Indeed all of these exchanges in the press provided additional press exposure opportunities for the Hands Across the Sand "cause". It has nothing to do with me personally. It is the "cause" that was, in my view, better served. I do know that in my small personal circle of people I know, they have been made more aware of the cause as a result of the various articles and Letters to the Editor of the Sun being published.

As for my quote "Citizens are stronger when they stick together", the quote is aimed at presenting a point in which when citizens gather, work, and "stick" together for a common cause, "real" change can take place. Not the "perceived" or "promised" change that many folks tend to vote for in political elections.

This quote is aimed at something much larger than the Hands Across the Sand cause itself. Particularly it is focused on a personal view that there is a need to change the "wrong" direction that Walton County, the State of Florida and our Federal Government are headed. In particular, the wrong direction of these government organizations is mainly a waste of our tax dollars, the fact that many (if not the majority) government employees are incompetent and do not serve the citizens, as well as the fact that government employees are too numerous and too highly paid. Our tax dollars need to be better applied and more efficiently utilized to serve citizens and not be used to serve politicians and incompetent government workers.

This "wrong direction" has nothing to do with one person, but the need for the citizens of this country to direct and focus both politicians as well as local, state and federal government employees on their mandate of "truly" serving the citizenship locally, throughout the state and countywide. The mandate would also include that these politicians and employees not be directed by "Special Interests". As anyone can plainly see, the waste of our tax dollars is present throughout all of Walton County. And, for example, the wasting of Walton County tax dollars can be stopped by ALL of the citizens of Walton County, if we just "stick" together to stop this practice.

If you sincerely desire a list of the citizens who are working together to keep our beaches beautiful, then maybe you and I should work together to get names of everyone who participates in the Hands Across the Sand on February 13th. That list might come in handy in the future.

Please excuse the long post.

"Citizens are stronger when they stick together" (Quote from WaltonIsOne)


Beach Lover
Dave, I think it's great what you are doing here. Just wanted you to know that you have my blessing and that I'll be there.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
WaltonIsOne -
How about you don't try to co-opt the event to fit your political philosophy and don't try to collect a list of the people participating. :roll:

This is about oil drilling destroying our beaches.


Beach Lover
Nov 14, 2009
Walton County, FL
WaltonIsOne -
How about you don't try to co-opt the event to fit your political philosophy and don't try to collect a list of the people participating. :roll:

This is about oil drilling destroying our beaches.

Just responding the question(s) posted by BeautyHunter.

Scooterbug, Your desires are acknowledged and agreed.

Nothing more and nothing less.

"Citizens are stronger when they stick together" (Quote from WaltonIsOne)


Beach Crab
Nov 14, 2009
i don't propose that oil drilling is our economy's fix,but it is needed to keep our money here in the USA. we need oil to sustain life as we know,if you want to stop oil drilling :then try to live without it just one day.you will end up getting arrested for indecent exposure(no clothes) as you are walking barefooted to the gulf to handcatch fish to fill your empty belly. i know that it is inevitable that oil spills happen,but many oil spills are 100% naturally occurring seepage from crevaces on the ocean floor. there has to be a common ground to compromise,either give all our money to other countries and still have oil spills here when transported in our waters,or slow oil consumption to where we don't need more oil! it's everybody's problem. you can build more on 30A,but they can't come without gas for their cars!

rolling dune

Beach Lover
Apr 24, 2008
blue mtn.
IMHO...I not only oppose drilling in our backyard. I oppose bombs shaking,rattling and destroying the foundation of my home. It is evident and it is real. I am all for protecting our country, however when my house shakes like an earthquake experience, I can't help but wonder if some kind of shelf might be created and I will eventually be floated out to sea. Just a thought.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 30, 2005
Point Washington
IMHO...I not only oppose drilling in our backyard. I oppose bombs shaking,rattling and destroying the foundation of my home. It is evident and it is real. I am all for protecting our country, however when my house shakes like an earthquake experience, I can't help but wonder if some kind of shelf might be created and I will eventually be floated out to sea. Just a thought.

I bet the base was here before your house.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
IMHO...I not only oppose drilling in our backyard. I oppose bombs shaking,rattling and destroying the foundation of my home. It is evident and it is real. I am all for protecting our country, however when my house shakes like an earthquake experience, I can't help but wonder if some kind of shelf might be created and I will eventually be floated out to sea. Just a thought.

It's a shame that you're anti drilling since that would effectively end any military presence here.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
i don't propose that oil drilling is our economy's fix,but it is needed to keep our money here in the USA. we need oil to sustain life as we know,if you want to stop oil drilling :then try to live without it just one day.you will end up getting arrested for indecent exposure(no clothes) as you are walking barefooted to the gulf to handcatch fish to fill your empty belly. i know that it is inevitable that oil spills happen,but many oil spills are 100% naturally occurring seepage from crevaces on the ocean floor. there has to be a common ground to compromise,either give all our money to other countries and still have oil spills here when transported in our waters,or slow oil consumption to where we don't need more oil! it's everybody's problem. you can build more on 30A,but they can't come without gas for their cars!

That's where you are DEAD wrong. The oil extracted from the Gulf of Mexico would be sold on the world market just as oil extracted from the rest of the USA is.

Money is a renewable resource. Oil is not. Should we completely deplete our own resources to deny Canada and Mexico (the two countries we import the most oil from) a few dollars or pesos?

Everyone agrees that we are a military powerhouse, and that's mostly because of the military machines we posses that run on petroleum. I don't see a solar powered tank, fighter jet, or bomber in the near future. Should we risk our future national defense by using our current resources? Should we weaken our defense by drilling for minute amounts of oil in unique and unmatched military training grounds?

Do your research and quit listening to the pundits. Asking someone paid in any way, shape, or form by an oil company if drilling in the Gulf is a good idea is like asking a tobacco company if smoking is bad for you, liquor company if drinking is bad for you, or pornographer if porn is bad for you. Odds are they smile, take your money, and tell you everything will be just fine.
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