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Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
Does DTV do internet? LOL..... anything to get rid of mediacrap....But cant lose my hi-speed SOWAL.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
I can't help but think that if EVERYONE currently complaining canceled their Mediacom service things might improve somehow.

Between the internet, reruns, netflix, you-tube, friends w/ DVR & Tivo etc. there isn't really anything you'd truly "miss".


Beach Fanatic
Jan 21, 2008
Shellak, Direct TV might not have 'em but Dish Network does have local channels available here - all but CBS Channel 4 out of Dothan, and I've heard they are working on that (but don't know how true that is).

the reason we have direct tv is we wanted the NFL package, which is only available through direct tv. consequently, dish wasn't an option. but thanks for the info.

The Adams

Beach Comber
Jul 7, 2009
I called the 800# today to ask a question about our bill and after routing my call to the waiting area for customer service the recorded message states if you are waiting to talk to a customer service rep for your bill "please be aware there is a $5 charge" :blink: I promptly hung up the phone. Does anyone know if there are other cable options for the north side of the 331 bridge in Freeport?

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I called the 800# today to ask a question about our bill and after routing my call to the waiting area for customer service the recorded message states if you are waiting to talk to a customer service rep for your bill "please be aware there is a $5 charge" :blink: I promptly hung up the phone. Does anyone know if there are other cable options for the north side of the 331 bridge in Freeport?

Call the state attorney's office and ask them to go over your bill. That's got to be illegal in some way. What if you want to dispute a $2.00 charge?


Beach Fanatic
Jan 21, 2008
Shellak, Direct TV might not have 'em but Dish Network does have local channels available here - all but CBS Channel 4 out of Dothan, and I've heard they are working on that (but don't know how true that is).

i know dish has most of the local channels but they do not have the nfl package, which is why we signed up for direct tv in the first place. now it seems i can't watch the 6th game of the alcs because our version of fox isn't showing the game. do we live in bum f... egypt????

Dave Rauschkolb

Beach Fanatic
Jul 13, 2005
Santa Rosa Beach
Mediacom Sucks?

Yes, the TV reception sucks but the internet speed and service is high quality. If I have a problem I can get a tech on the phone with minimal waiting and usually a guy out to fix it within a few days.

My biggest problem with Mediacom has to do with the fact that they will not run cable to my restaurants. They refuse to run a line under the road to Bud & Alley's after no less than 20 years of pleading. This past time, about 2 and a half months ago I called and talked to Sandy, I think her name is. And she actually gave me a little hope that it might really happen. She said they have to do a "ROI assesment" (return on investment). Give me a break.

I never heard from her again. After leaving two messages no return calls. The problem is, the same people have been working there for, like, 20 years or something and they seem to just give the same old answer. I might have pissed them off the first time they blew me off 20 years ago. I would not care if I could get the networks at the restaurant but I can't. We get abc I think with some external antenna.

Well, do I think Mediacom sucks? Yes. They should not be able to deny anyone service if there is service nearby. The house a hundred yards away has it. The only thing I can think to do is try to sue them. Do I want to put negative energy on top of negative energy on top of.....basically spend my time and money going after a stupid cable company that has a monopoly? Maybe


Beach Fanatic
Jan 17, 2008
Why would they need to go under the road? I assume there are houses both east and west of you with cable on the south side of 30A.
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