Our Mediacom TV reception is still fuzzy. It's all our TVs, not just one.
welcome to my world. i'm one of those people who started a "mediacom sucks" thread on sowal. i have spent the last 3 - 4 months on the phone with numerous mediacom reps, getting the same b.s. every time - never,never getting an answer as to why the picture on our tv for all our local channels freeze on occasion. just last night, fox out of panama city froze during a shark mop commercial..i know this because i kept checking the channel last night, and it remained at that spot. i didn't even bother calling this time. on 2 occasions, i was told a supervisor would get back to me in 72 hours. i have yet to speak to a supervisor,and it has been 2 months since i was told this. i KNOW it is not our tv or tv's because i know others with the same problem. all the reps ever say is "we'll send someone out". well, i tell them i don't want anyone out here because clearly, the probem is not with my tv. this is, by far, the worst utility i have ever dealt with. they should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. i told the last rep that if i treated my customers this way, i would have been fired. we also have direct tv, and it has never gone out. once direct tv gets local channels in walton county, BYE BYE MEDIACOM!!!!!!!!!! my next stop will be the sandestin office, and i will get an answer. i also don't feel we should be paying full price for something we're not getting but they never give us a credit. bad, bad, bad, bad company. a small business that acted this way would be out of business.