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Beach Fanatic
May 27, 2009
Blue Mtn Beach!!
:wave: I started out as Beach Crab on my first few posts too! Hang in there.

I am with Alltel and while we were in the area our phone was consistently good.

I am anxious to see what others say.



Beach Fanatic
Apr 27, 2006
Santa Rosa Beach
I was with Alltel for the past 7 years and it was great....but since Verizon acquired them I've switched over and Verizon is terrible in this area. I have to go outside to talk. It's just around here when I go out of town I never have a problem, unless I'm talking to my family who are at home.

"Can you hear me now?" has become my mantra. Good luck!

wayward soul

Beach Comber
Mar 17, 2009
I have both Alltel (work) and Verizon (personal) and the Alltel coverage is far superior. I spent an hour on the phone with Verizon yesterday asking when the two will share the same towers. They would not answer my question and simply said that the total conversion process from the buyout will take until the end of the year. Alltel has also been very functional through the last few hurricanes.

I have heard that AT&T has good coverage as well.


Beach Lover
Jan 29, 2008
We have AT and T. Though I'm in a bit of a weak spot at my house (near Camp Creek Lake) both my company and personal Iphone work pretty well.

I AM disappointed that there is no 3G data coverage in the area -- everything in whole region seems to operateon the inferior edge system. Very slow when you are used to the snappier 3G system.

Andy A

Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2007
Blue Mountain Beach
Being old and rapidly becoming decrepit, I only use my cell phone to make calls. We have AT&T and have been quite pleased with it. The only place I have found that it doesn't work is Goatfeathers, for some reason.


Beach Lover
Jan 29, 2008
By the way, I have been weighing whether to give up the landline -- and rely on just a cellphone at the place in FL. The signal is just iffy enough around the house that I have decided against the idea. But I have read there is a device you can by that boosts your cell signal in your house and office -- and acts as a sort of relay to the cell tower. The costs are prohibitive for me ... but might be a good solution for others.


Beach Fanatic
May 27, 2009
Blue Mtn Beach!!
I have both Alltel (work) and Verizon (personal) and the Alltel coverage is far superior. I spent an hour on the phone with Verizon yesterday asking when the two will share the same towers. They would not answer my question and simply said that the total conversion process from the buyout will take until the end of the year. Alltel has also been very functional through the last few hurricanes.

I have heard that AT&T has good coverage as well.

Isn't that crazy?? Wonder why they would have different coverage if now the same co? :dunno: I am guessing that they are no longer using the Alltel towers then. RATS - now I have to pick a new carrier. What a shame when Alltel worked SO WELL. :scratch:

So ATT&T is good? I saw a Sprint tower not far from where we will be.

This is something I wasn't counting on. Phooey!


wayward soul

Beach Comber
Mar 17, 2009
Hey Gidget,
I wouldnt get rid of Alltel just yet. I think Alltel coverage will continue to be good. I think this whole Alltel/Verizon conversion will happen faster than the end of the year. When i used my Verizon phone yesterday to dial *611 (customer service) an Alltel customer serivce rep answered my call, not a Verizon customer service rep!? Go figure.
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