
Spring Time Fishin' Time

After a long and cold winter it is finally Spring here at the beach. The beautiful weather has shown up just in time for the first big batch of spring visitors and the first week of solid charter bookings. I even saw somebody swimming this afternoon when I was cleaning fish! It was 40 and chilly when I launched the boat this morning and 70 and warm when I pulled off the beach. The forcast looks to be just getting better everyday....

Big Fish Small Seas in SoWal

Alright! We had another great weekend at the beach. While the rest of the country was getting belted with another "Artic Typoon" or whatever the weather channel is calling a cold front this week, we had some fabulous fishing weather here in SoWal. Friday was cool but calm and high sunny skies so I did the run out to to the BIG Jacks with some vacationers that had themselves a blast! We were taking a young man out on his 16th birthday for his first Gulf trip and I promise he'll remeber this birthday for many years to come .

Back to Fishing in Florida!

I may have got back from Mexico almost two weeks ago but it just now is feeling like Florida again. After one of the colder, wetter Januarys in recent memory the weather has finally returned to what we all look for living at the beach. This past weekend had high blue skies, calm winds and temps close to 70 degrees by mid-day. Just in time too as I think my gills were starting to dry out.

South Walton Artificial Reef Association Hoping to Hit the Water in 2014

As a local diver and environmentalist, Andy McAlexander was more than a little concerned following the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. He observed the aftermath of the BP Oil Spill as Walton County business owners struggled to stay afloat. His thoughts turned to better days and solutions to help get the local economy back on track. What could be done to enhance the county’s natural resources?



Flounder Full House in South Walton

One more week and it's looking for new tackle under the tree. Merry Christmas! The north part of the country may be looking at snow and sleet for winter weather but here at the beach we are still looking at white sand and fresh fish.

It's cooler and we are wearing jackets instead of swim shorts but the fishing is as good now as anytime during the warmer months. We are still catching limits of Flounder on every trip and the jacks are thick as well. There seem to still be plenty of Vermillions out a bit as well as Triggers in State waters ( where you can still keep 'em).

I have not yet begun to flounder!

The fall fishin' pattern continues with just about every thing you could want to catch running hard and chewing fast. I ran a few trips this past week where we got to chase the Flounders a bit and looks like it will be a banner year for the tasty flatfish. While they are not stacked up on every inshore spot I checked there were some fish on every spot and bunches on some. I had a group of guys on Friday & Saturday who have come down the past couple Falls but hadn't chased Flounders before.


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