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Beach Fanatic
Feb 21, 2006
I wasted 2 hours today with Medicom, ready to switch, have waited this long because I don't want the ordeal of changing my email address. What I do now is call the sales dept. and tell them I'm not receiving full service and should not pay for today. Usually they credit me, I'd rather have the service but figure if enough people do this or cancel sooner or later they improve because they are loosing money. They obvious don't care what the customer thinks about the lack of service.
And we have crappy reception too, the service guy said we needed a booster and put one a couple of years later another service guy took it off.
We don't have much of a choice here.

Right now I have Century link. I had to pay $200 for installation. The phone sounds bad at times the Internet is slow. They only use
DirectTV for your TV. Had to spend a lot of money to cut trees back for Satellite.

I had Mediacom first. They just seem so mickey mouse when it comes to customer service. They finally got the service to work good after months of visits. The young man that showed up replaced a wire underneath the house. The first installer said he installed that wire so he knew it worked and didn't bother replacing it. Then they kept suspending my account for downloading illegal movies. We weren't even here when they said we did it. This is frustrating in itself. A simple phone call would have done it to get me to fix the problems.

I run online businesses and they would disconnect at the worse times. They cost me money. I did find some viruses on my computer that could have done it. Put passwords on the computer so no one can access it while I am gone. I have software and books available on the internet and don't like people downloading my products illegally but this company goes overboard and treats you like a little kid. Why don't we have more choices than just these two? They suspend you first then ask questions. With the lousy support they are really to much to bear. I have now set up stronger security on my Wifi. (Caught some young men picking up their email parked outside my driveway. I am pretty sure I was breached.) Both of these companies I would say work fairly well if you just keep your mouth shut and put up with their shenanigans.

I have had Att business high speed and Comcast. Even with Comcast's pinching every dime out of you and charging you for every TV in the house, their sevice was super fast and quick. At&t high speed never gave me a problem except the bill kept getting higher every couple of months.

We need more choices. Why do we have to put up with such services just for the privilege of living by the beach? All the others will not come up this far. Does anyone know why we cannot get other choices up here by 30A?

Thanks for letting me vent.



Beach Fanatic
May 28, 2007
YES!!!!!! I did it!!!!!! Today I canceled my Mediacrap internet service. It's so freeing! Funny thing is when the service rep ask why and I went into detail on how bad the service has been and the quality of the service personnel, she didn't even flinch. Now all I have to do is return the modem. It's going to be hard not to beat the Mediacrap out of it with a bat like that scene from Office Space.
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