I HATE Fireworks, my dogs hate fireworks. Someone has been shooting around my hood for a week now. It scares the sheet out of my dogs. We can't even enjoy sitting out on the deck at night because of it. I am all about a professional show, but hate the ones people buy and shoot. My son had a friend that just about lost his hand because of them. Hate 'em.
Amen to that. Hate the firecrackers and M80's. :roll:
MANgo has a pyrotechnics license and he some others plan a professional show on a small scale. No huge mortars or overtly loud popping. Mostly fountains and It's all on remote detonators, all safety procedures followed, etc; and I
still get nervous every year, and so does he. One must have a proper respect for the dangers or you
will get hurt. Mortars do not always go off in the direction you want them to, even the Grucci ones sold in tubes. The beach is a dangerous place to set one of those down. It's uneven, subject to wind conditions, can fall and injure someone. Bottle rockets are the worst. Even those short sparklers can be dangerous to small children, burn them or set fire to something.
Please, please, parents, if you get the sparklers, get the long ones and make sure you supervise your children.