Today was Kaylee's second Birthday! A lot of you know that this has not been the easiest year in the Deli Love house hold and today could have been another one for the record books.
We have always gotten the girls Birthday cakes at Publix and almost always used the one at Water Colors. We have never been less than thrilled so when I ordered the Sponge Bob cake for Kaybug, I just assumed it would be there and exactly what we ordered.
We had a doctors appointment in Niceville so Ms. Lisa went to pick up the cake for me...

It wasn't there!

Lisa called me to make sure she was at the right place then she found a manager. I called and evidently talked to the same person. The cake order was there but the decorator had left and not done my cake! With no upset or anger or negativity of any kind, they got the little decorations together and drove them to the Store close to the hospital and even offered to deliver the cake to Freeport!

Ms. Lisa had to drive to Destin anyway so she picked it up and was not allowed to pay anything . Both stores were as kind and sweet and professional as they could be! The cake was cute and just exactly what a 2 year old would want in chocolaty ooey gooey goodness.
I just wanted to pass on something nice. This kindness to one of my girls means the world to me! The least I can do is share.