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Beach Fanatic
Nov 24, 2006
Where Free Speech Is Allowed
Just returned from Moosy Head, and stopped by. They are putting in new pumps and more tanks! So they won't run out of gas nearly as fast. I gandered at the permit there while the wifey talked to some building department guys and got the story. The folks kinda working there were not real happy about the whole gas situation because it is such a pain in the ars for them. Don't confuse the already confused. Mr. Robert which store? I'm in the Yack all the time. The Health Dept. folks really love me----NOT!:bang:


Beach Fanatic
Jul 28, 2007
I have been wondering when they would upgrade the pumps at the 331 TT to the ones installed a few years ago in Seagrove. I am sure that the entire store is getting a much needed renovation since it has been a long time since I have seen anything done there. And it seems like I do remember reading about mandatory compliance for underground tanks a while back. The roof was being replaced a week or so ago and now the new pumps/parking lot. I am just glad the work is being done this time of year and not in July and that they are anticipating the traffic/construction that will no doubt make it even more of a pain to navigate once the widening begins. But a little FYI... the one in Seagrove has gas and it went down to $3.15 for regular today.
EDIT: Just found that the date for the secondary containment compliance is 12/31/09.
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The gas station at 331 and 98 is a very, very busy station that sells an above average amount of fuel. When the cost of fuel goes up and down to the station as much as it has been it is much easier to earn extra margins off fuel. With stable wholesale fuel prices many stations earn just 3 cents per gallon on Regular and 12 to 15 cents per gallon on higher octane. With prices moving up and down you can bet some stations are earning 3 to 5 times as much as usual on their regular unleaded. In that business you can also count on each station Owner knowing the price of every competitor's price as it changes in near real time.

Many of the local stations are owned by the same people and it is not uncommon for one of their other stations to pick up much of the lost business during retrofit.


Beach Fanatic
Aug 28, 2006
The Village
It is at the three week mark for the gas tanks at the TT 331 so it is looking like 3 months was more accurate :bang: Now I have to drive to Seagrove or Dune Allen for gas which sucks since my daily route is from Bay drive then down 331.
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