So, as the guy who came on the board and recommended to others to buy this stock and hold for 50 years because there is huge upside in the underlying assets, are you still in for 50 years???
Or, as is likely the case, have you cut and run (partially or fully sold) now that it is quite apparent that the run up was not based on reality and there is no place to go but down over the next 50 years?
This has always been and always will be a dog company and stock. Sure, the market goes up and down as it does with virtually all stocks. Day trading can be very profitable on virtually any stock. But, the key to this thread is the LONG TERM value of JOE. And, bottom line, the long term value of the stock is well under $10. Most of the land held by JOE is only worth timber value. The little bit of land that has real developable potential is not big enough to significantly move the overall value.
Berkowitz is talking a big talk, but there is no way to make this company profitable in the short term. The company is bleeding cash and cutting a few top execs is only window dressing in an attempt to drive the stock price up short term. Berk is not in for the long haul. He is simply trying to prop up the company to find the greater fool. JOE will eat through its cash stockpile and be in big trouble within the next couple of years.
Please let me know how this company has fared in the next 50--no lets say 10 years. Focusing on the last few months says nothing about the long term value of the company. Your first comment on this thread was looking long term but you quickly turned into a day trader in your discussions.