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Staff member
Oct 15, 2004
True story: The Beach Boys have played in South Walton, at least once before. I know, because I was there. My memory mechanism is placing it roughly in the early eighties, but maybe somebody, out there, can fine tune that. They played right on the beach at Sandestin, the stage was facing westward, and they had cordoned off the beaches, east and west with fencing, and then a string of buoys extended out into the gulf, maybe fifty yards and connected to make a rectangle "no boats zone". But there were plenty of boats parked outside the zone. And there may have been plenty of people on the outside of the beach fences, who didn't want to pay the hefty admission price. I was one of those, but I was also a clever, anti-establishment type punk, in those days, and, when it comes to Rock n Roll, there are no rules. I had the plan: I passed my small Igloo cooler, my shirt, and my flip-flops over to a buddy of mine, on the inside of the fence. I casually waded into the Gulf on the outside of the cordoned perimeter. I waited for my chance, when the guards weren't looking, dove under the cordon, just as far as my lungs would take me, and then surfaced, in a breaking wave, to catch my breath, unseen by searching eyes, and then swam another twenty yards, underwater, past the peripheral vision of the guards. Man, was I clever. I waded back to shore, got my cooler, and my gear, and managed to work my way up to the very front, buying better position, by trading beers, or whatever. Down at the front, it was just a mass of bikini-clad bronze beach babes, and multiple stoners. It was my kind of place. There was a sweet smell waifing across the ocean of bodies, every once in a while (and I ain't talking about sun tan lotion), and the music was nothing but fun, fun, fun for about a solid two hours, before the afternoon sun sank into the sea. Yes, besides the three or four original members, there seemed to be a back-up musician standing a ways behind each one, I'm not sure Brian really played but one song, but the concept of The Beach Boys seems to be a state of mind that can be perpetuated through the years, no matter who the players on the stage might be.

Thanks for the cool story. You are such a rebel! It is about a state of mind and fun memories. It should be a good time no matter who is actually playing.

Did you know there were actually 4 Jimmy Buffets on every tour? They take turns while the original just stays home and counts his money.
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