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Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
Thanks, I will make that switch...I stop in there for groceries often.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 4, 2008
Roosevelt, MN
Thanks everyone.

I take very little medication, and it has never happened to me before. Interesting that of the two prescriptions I have, they only called about the super expensive one!

To me it feels much like the advertising done by all these drug companies. I don't like feeling pushed into taking drugs...and that is what it felt like. Not like a "friendly reminder" -- it was CVS, so maybe it is their marketing plan. Anyway, I don't like it, so think I will find a different pharmacy.

On the big scale of things, it's not very important, but just one more irritation in a world where these small irritations seem to be multiplying daily. I would much rather they put their energies into excellent customer service when I ask for their service; rather than trying to push their agenda onto me with unwanted soliciting.

Please be fair to CVS and give them another chance. I have only had a prescription once in the last three years and they were the ones to fill it. I used maybe half the prescription and then felt no need to continue. I too got the call and next time I was in the store, I told them I would rather contact them if I wanted a Rx refilled and they changed things so I wouldn't automatically get calls anymore. They were apologetic for having called when I didn't want them to. They say most people are appreciative for reminders.
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