Elf Ride Hits the Streets in South Walton County
Posted: Dec 10, 2012 9:24 AM By Corey Dobridnia
From funky hats to pointy ears and toes, if you can't tell this Seaside shindig has a theme.
"I am an elf today," said Doug Lamb.
"I am a Santa elf," said Cameron Degolier.
"Elves, Santa's, Santa's helpers and a little bit of everything," said Fire Chief Rick Talbert of South Walton County Fire District.
And it doesn't take much to look the part, just a little magic, creativity, and searching.
"I don't have tights, but that's okay," said Lamb. "Other than that I think we've got it."
And like a queen bee or head honcho the group of elves walking, pedaling, and riding in the 5th Annual Elf Ride have their...
"Grand elf," said Luke Thompson. The events organizer. A title Thompson truly deserves. "He envisioned this Elf Ride five years ago when was he ten years old at the time," said Talbert. "He came to the fire station where we have an angel tree program for kids who are less fortunate in our county to receive Christmas gifts and he wanted to give back."
So together with the South Walton Fire District, Luke transformed the ride from kids decorating bikes for Christmas to a benefit for the Angel Tree Charity.
"So now its not just a ride," said Talbert. "Its all about Christmas."
The trek covers a mile and a half from the Seaside Post Office to the Watercolor Fire Station where people donate their gifts.
And no better holiday character to represent such a ride than an elf.
"Well, we are Santa helpers," said Thompson. "We make Christmas toys so why not bring them and donate them."
"I put Christmas presents under the tree for other people today," said Degolier.
"It's a good cause take some presents to some children that don't ordinarily get it," said Lamb.
A fitting job for Santa's helpers.
WMBB.com Panama City
[video]http://www.wmbb.com/story/20304612/elf-ride-hits-the-streets-in-south-walton#.UMZ5sjK0KXs.facebook?autoStart=true&topVid eoCatNo=default&clipId=8051640[/video]

LOTS of fun Elf Ride Photos on South Walton Elf Ride facebook page!
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