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SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
A lot of the cleaning products companies are listening and coming out with greener and safer products.

I beleive SE Johnson recently found out that their "green" versions clean better than the chemical laden original.

Susan Horn

Beach Fanatic
A lot of the cleaning products companies are listening and coming out with greener and safer products.

I beleive SE Johnson recently found out that their "green" versions clean better than the chemical laden original.

Maybe these greener versions are less bad, but they aren't listing ingredients so I don't trust them. I have been studying up on this and was shocked to learn how many things we use are not required to list specific ingredients, even known toxins, carcingoens, mutagens, etc., on the labels. I am now makinng an effort to buy only cleaning products that list ingredients, which really narrows the choices and ultimately makes it easier for me to decide.


Beach Fanatic
The Hundred Year Lie by Randall Fitzgerald is a real eye opener about synthetic chemicals, both in our food and as medicine.

BTW, Susan rocks out with her solar oven. For the last two years she has demonstrated her solar oven at the Back to Nature Festival and served up some yumilicious soup for the masses.
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