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Beauty hunter

Beach Fanatic
May 3, 2009
I ran across this website while google traveling Utah. I thought it was interesting. Do a quick flip for 3 min. and check it out. I'm sure there are more sites out there on this subject. Thought I'd share :wave:Wind Power Generator Skystream 3.7

Susan Horn

Beach Fanatic
Cool. I wish we were in one of the blue or purple areas!

Aside from continually improving efficiency/conserving resources, it looks to me like photovoltaic, passive solar and solar-thermal technologies are among the best clean energies for this area.

With help from CFH Design Studio, we are designing a new (smaller, greener, more efficient etc.) house that may include a built-in solar oven. Have to do some more research to see if it makes sense for the site/orientation. Also hoping to budget solar thermal water heating, and perhaps even radiant floor heating powered by the solar thermal hot water.

Anybody here already done a built-in solar oven? Got any tips to share?


Beach Fanatic
May 27, 2009
Blue Mtn Beach!!
I am SOOOOOOOO excited!! Standard Renewable is out at the house with my dh and they are hooking us up today!!! Once those batteries charge we will be making our OWN power!!

BTW - 32 days till SPRING folks!!!!!


Beauty hunter

Beach Fanatic
May 3, 2009
You guys are incredibly awesome leaders in living clean and green. I always appreciate your input and have more that I need to learn in this area of clean energy. I am checking options and doing my homework at the moment- much success to you always. :love:

Susan Horn

Beach Fanatic
You guys are incredibly awesome leaders in living clean and green. I always appreciate your input and have more that I need to learn in this area of clean energy. I am checking options and doing my homework at the moment- much success to you always. :love:

Thanks! My current project is getting greener with housekeeping. Never a big user of evil chemicals, but am banishing even more stuff that isn't baking soda, vinegar or Dr. Bronner's. I think in the long run it will be cheaper and save space.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
For the Health of It carries a product called Parsley Plus Surface Cleaner. I have used this on cars, everything in the bathroom, floors, woodwork, screens, you name it. I'm convinced it's the only product I need apart from laundry soap, dish soap and something for windows.

Beauty hunter

Beach Fanatic
May 3, 2009
The chemical companies and the pharmaceuticals are the next big giants that need to come down. They are killing us and the planet- maybe we should put them on a rocket to another planet and let them enjoy their goods. Poison inside and out and it's legal? Major reform is called for- some people with buffalo balls to not bow down to a house in the Hamptons. I wonder if pharmaceuticals and the chemical co. work hand in hand. They are living on the hill while we get the dribble of washoff in the valley. As a kid, I thought something was up with these two, and still do. You can't watch a show without having a pharmaceutical commercial. Everytime a new disease comes out the chemical co. seem to have a product that covers it and the pharmaceutical co. has a vaccine or a pill that will cure you- timing seems a bit strange to me. Just a thought. We love to make fun of the pharmaceutical commercials. This pill is for stomach upsets: Warning- your arms could shrivel up, your legs could detach, your hair could turn purple, your neighbors cat could die, and you may lose your husband- other than that it works fine. Kids are using inhalants(chemicals underneath the sink)-beware and educate. :wave:
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