So, what do we need to do to get a tree ordinance established? I am so frustrated with the county officials especially the planning office -- I am not sure where to turn.
Who do we work with? It is hard enough to get anyone to even answer the phone or respond to an email. I spent most of yesterday waiting for a return phone call that I made at 8:30, simply asking for the status of a project...and when the return call came, there was no one in the County office who had any information about the project.
Meetings are so disturbing (think Driftwood & flooding or the traffic lights not being installed at the intersections of 395 and turn lane from Highway 98 to Sugar Drive..)I just know another person is going to get killed there, especially now that there is increased traffic due to the opening of Louis Louis...yet, when everyday citizens ask for help from the county officials the request is met with bureaucratic stonewalling (think volunteer help to keep the library open).
We have empty strip malls, half-finished housing developments; housing areas that are standing vacant or the prices have dropped so that people are walking away...and the county continues to permit projects--with no plan for development of the area. Cypress swamps are bulldozed over, wetlands are built upon; big blue signs are installed; a sidewalk is built next to a four-laned Highway 331; trees are cut...and now, the very essence of our existence is being threatened: drilling for oil 3 miles off the coast!
Other places I have lived the local officials seemed even more involved with the overall enhancement than the citizens did, and when a citizen wanted to work with them; there was a genuine cooperation--not always agreement, for sure, but there was a common interest: making the community the very best it could be for present-day citizens and for generations to come.
In the 10 years since I moved back to Walton County, I have yet to find that attitude. I worked for months with many other citizens several years ago on a Vision Plan.,..what happened to that data? All those hours were volunteered to have a plan that would make our community an even better place to year...yet, nothing happened.
I am willing to work and volunteer my time, but at this point, I don't know what to do--or where to turn for leadership and accountability.
I am willing to do something, but I don't know where to turn.