Am I right that Van Gogh never sold a painting while he was alive? If so, I'm not sure that I would say that he "survived."
Yes, you are correct. He committed suicide.
Am I right that Van Gogh never sold a painting while he was alive? If so, I'm not sure that I would say that he "survived."
Yes, you are correct. He committed suicide.
Am I right that Van Gogh never sold a painting while he was alive? If so, I'm not sure that I would say that he "survived."
He tried to kill himself- shot himself in the chest- but he survived the incident only to die from the injuries 2 days later. He had many problems just like most major artists from back then. Everyone was crazy with syphillis (like his brother). But not Van Gogh, he was just mental- literally. The last 2 years were insane- and that's when he created his most memorable pieces- and also when he cut off his ear.
False statement. His family was a bunch of art brokers- and he was too for a long time. He couldn't take it anymore and then studied at The Royal Academy of Arts. He then did commissioned work- he didn't make much though. Because of his mental disorder and addiction to absinthe it was hard for him to hold any job. His brother supported him so he could continue to paint. Many say he was bi-polar or that he did have syphillis. My personal guess is lead poisoning. Most artists used to lick their brushes to get the 'perfect point' on the tip of the brush and well, oil paints will kill you.
P.S. His 'art career' lasted all of 8 years- but he created over 2,000 pieces- he def. had exhibitions while he was still alive. When you work with the likes of Gauguin, C?zanne, Toulouse-Lautrec, Rousseau, Pissarro and Seurat you're bound to get discovered at some point.
Am I right that Van Gogh never sold a painting while he was alive? If so, I'm not sure that I would say that he "survived."
False statement. His family was a bunch of art brokers- and he was too for a long time. He couldn't take it anymore and then studied at The Royal Academy of Arts. He then did commissioned work- he didn't make much though. Because of his mental disorder and addiction to absinthe it was hard for him to hold any job. His brother supported him so he could continue to paint.
School or no school, as T. Cline said, draw, and draw everyday. Draw to please yourself, and you are sure to capture some audience. Art isn't supposed to be about the viewer. It is about the art.
While I agree about art being about the art- in this case- it is about the viewer- if they don't like it- it won't sell or make it into stores- which is the goal in this situation.