Easy, I was turned black and blue when I revealed the location of the private register.
wait a minute. I'm a local long time publix shopper and lover. where it at?
Easy, I was turned black and blue when I revealed the location of the private register.
JOE executive.
wait a minute. I'm a local long time publix shopper and lover. where it at?
Maybe my Excel spreadsheet will help get the newbs out of the store faster. It certainly helps me.
Bless your OCD heart! :rofl: I had forgotten about that.Maybe my Excel spreadsheet will help get the newbs out of the store faster. It certainly helps me.
635 is busy, busy, busy. The family and our $ will be down your way very soon. I'll be on aisle 9!!Hi Inside 635. We love you and God Bless Texas. How is 635 by the way these days? May have to make that loop soon. Hurry up and get back to SoWal. I'll meet you on aisle 3.
Bless you, Beach Runner, for posting the list. Think of all the time everyone will save by using this! It will definitely get on the beach faster.Maybe my Excel spreadsheet will help get the newbs out of the store faster. It certainly helps me.