Interesting about the mediacom business class, good to know. We finally got tech out to house and hopefully he has resolved some of the issues, time will tell. But, I have to say in all my years of dealing with things like this mediacom wins the top award for frustration. Waited all day again for the tech, finally saw a mediacom van in neighbors driveway, walked over asked are you trying to find us, he checked computer and said no your not on my list and then began to tell me all the crazy things going on with this company! They literally had a dude a 100 feet from our house and had not scheduled him to take our call, so we waited. It is bad when your own employees express complete frustration. I understand they have a monopoly going but not to name names but I have seen other companies in the same situation and they did not turn out so well. Seems they know they have us, but I was told the secret to getting service is to just keep calling, calling, calling and they will finally get tired of the calls and send someone out and that is what we ended up doing. Again, hopefully they have fixed the problem, tech said they had switched to some new program and that you were suppose to receive a new box in mail??? Said he thought they jumped the gun and were not really ready to implement this program but went ahead anyway. Oh, and a new filter was installed at the pole. Not sure that had anything to do with it being terrible for over two years but again time will tell! Oh, no complaints with technician, he was trying hard to help.