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Beach Lover
Oct 15, 2019
Seagrove Beach
Bay County builds facilities to attract and generate revenue from sporting events. Walton County focuses on beach tourism. I guess the TDC could build some pickleball courts...

bob bob

Beach Fanatic
Mar 29, 2017
Bay County builds facilities to attract and generate revenue from sporting events. Walton County focuses on beach tourism. I guess the TDC could build some pickleball courts...
It would be nice if tourist tax went toward improving the quality of life that seems to be narrowing.


Beach Lover
Oct 15, 2019
Seagrove Beach
8am - 9pm daily - higher level players show up early each day. Courts are lighted and can be reserved 11am - 5pm daily. See Walton County parks and recreation website for more info.


Beach Fanatic
May 14, 2007
Santa Rosa Beach FL

League Registration will begin 1/8/25.

The Walton County Pickleball League will be played at Walton County Sports Complex (Dune Lakes). All league matches are played here. This is the only pickleball league that will be played at Walton County Sports Complex. Registration will start the 1stweek of January with the league starting around January 27th. We pushed the league back a few weeks allowing the weather to warm up. You do need a captain for communication purposes.

It will be an 8-week season for Men’s and Women’s leagues. A Mixed League will start in March/April with an 8-week season. We will continue to have pickleball leagues throughout the year, ending with a fall season. This is a player friendly league with all skill levels welcome.

League play is tentatively scheduled for Mondays and Thursdays after 5 pm and Saturdays 11am-5pm. We have adapted match times that will allow more people to play in the league.

The teams will consist of 4-6 players, with 4 players playing in a match. We dropped to 4 players matches because so many teams were having problems getting 6 players to show up. 4 players make it much more manageable for a team. Team matches will use two courts consisting of two rounds with the best 2 out of 3 games played on each line. Games 1 and 2 are played to 11, win by 2. Game 3, if necessary, is played to 8, win by 2. You will then play the opposing team’s second doubles team using the same format. The winner of each round receives one team point.

Men’s and Women’s Leagues:
14+ and 50+ Age Groups
Skill Levels include:
Beginner/Novice- 2.5-3.0
Advanced- 3.75-4.5

There will be a typical Registration Fee and no Court Fees. Residents outside of Walton County are Welcome to play but will pay a higher Registration Fee.

Registration Information will be out soon. If you don’t have a team, contact us and we will do our best to get you on a team. We look forward to seeing you on the courts.


Beach Lover
Apr 18, 2024
Geez reading this thread….dont understand why it seems so popular to hate on things just to attempt to differentiate. Don’t expand popular services because second home owners and tourists like it? Don’t want more money for the County to invest in the community? Huh? Very strange.

The Dune Lake Complex is perfect for this sort of thing and bringing people together to have fun and be active is great.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 26, 2010
Geez reading this thread….dont understand why it seems so popular to hate on things just to attempt to differentiate. Don’t expand popular services because second home owners and tourists like it? Don’t want more money for the County to invest in the community? Huh? Very strange.

The Dune Lake Complex is perfect for this sort of thing and bringing people together to have fun and be active is great.
Just be positive instead of being negative about people being negative. You're a double negative.
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