November 8, 2022 General Election Ballot, Walton County Referendum regarding a once-cent Sales SURTAX
The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA)
Overview of Performance Audit Findings Walton County, August 2022
Overall, the County Did Not Meet Expectations in 12 of the 25 Performance Audit Research Areas.
Sample Ballot Vote Walton
"Should transportation facilities and services be funded throughout
Walton County, including, but not limited to, projects that improve roads
and bridges, expand public transit options, fix potholes, enhance bus
services, relieve rush hour bottlenecks, improve intersections, and make
walking and biking safer by levying a one-cent sales surtax not to exceed
30 years, and subject to annual review by the Board of County
0 FOR the one-cent sales surtax
0 AGAINST the one-cent sales surtax
The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability (OPPAGA)
Overview of Performance Audit Findings Walton County, August 2022
Overall, the County Did Not Meet Expectations in 12 of the 25 Performance Audit Research Areas.
Sample Ballot Vote Walton
"Should transportation facilities and services be funded throughout
Walton County, including, but not limited to, projects that improve roads
and bridges, expand public transit options, fix potholes, enhance bus
services, relieve rush hour bottlenecks, improve intersections, and make
walking and biking safer by levying a one-cent sales surtax not to exceed
30 years, and subject to annual review by the Board of County
0 FOR the one-cent sales surtax
0 AGAINST the one-cent sales surtax