No end of recession here. Contracts just came out for faculty. Second year in a row with no increases for anyone. The dean said we're lucky that there were no decreases. Newer faculty were hired in having to teach three semester hours less than the rest of us, presumably so they'd spend that extra time publishing papers. Most didn't. So they all are being required to teach the same number of semester hours we are, for no additional pay. Actually the new hires were brought in at six figures, so they started out making about as much as we are. They'll be the first to go because they don't have tenure.
Classrooms are being rearranged so that we can teach larger sections of classes. Small classes are being cancelled. Things will really get bad if the state legislature decides to stop giving automatic pay increases to teachers who get advanced degrees (masters, MAT, and Ed.S.). About 20% of our students are students in that situation. They will go bye-bye if the state legislature decides that pay increases should be based on merit, not degrees. If they go bye-bye, we're in trouble.
The state university system is considering drastic changes to save money. It's scary right now in education. Thank God I have tenure and can teach in three areas: computer science (M.S.), mathematics (B.S., M.S., Ph.D.), and education (all but thesis for a M.A. in education -- quit the degree because it was so easy that it was an insult to my intelligence). Also I can teach some engineering courses (played around in the Industrial and Systems Engineering department at UF for a while).