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SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Those graders are a piece of work sometimes!!!! I like your sign idea, especially since the Sun would probably like to cut back on costs anyway. Take a picture if you do!!:D

The signs should probably read "Since this lot has not been touched or maintained in an obviously long time, there is obviously nobody here to read the paper. But you are welcome to take all the back issues and other trash with you, because the neighbors are getting tired of cleaning up everyone else's mess!"

While I am on a rant, I would like to thank the contractor or sub-contractor that has deposited approximately 31 tall boy beer bottles in all the lots surrounding the one he is working on. At least we know you came to work for 31 days. I am saving them for you so you can take them to recycling, then take yourself to the dump because you are trash!:wave:

Carol G

Beach Fanatic
Jan 15, 2007
Point Washington
If you are a resident of Walton County, you can sign up and receive the online edition free. In the upper right hand corner there is a button that says "Online Edition." Click it, sign up, and then you have access to the viewer, and you can see the paper exactly as it is printed. Free, saves paper, and eliminates the delivery hassle... works for me!

The Walton Sun
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Walton Sun Pub

Beach Comber
Jan 13, 2009
Hi folks!
Just logged on for the first time in a few days. I would ask (and I know I'm making a dangerous request here!) that if you are not receiving The Sun...and if you have received it in the past...please let me know via either a note here, or my email (rick_thomason@link.freedom.com) and I will address each individually.
Also, could you please let me know when you see entire streets where the paper is being delivered, but not picked up? We can surely re-route those papers to those of you who want them.
One note I think worth sharing: Since The Walton Sun is a free distribution paper (i.e. not supported by circulation revenue), we must limit the number of papers we print and distribute each week. As much as I wish we could simply blanket cover all of South Walton, that simply is not an economic reality...even in the best of times.
We have also pulled out of a handful of areas over the years as we have seen so few people pick up the paper that we felt our efforts were better placed elsewhere.
Finally...almost all of our carriers have other jobs than delivering our papers. Because of those commitments, different areas receive The Sun at different times. If, however, you are receiving The Sun but it's showing up later than about 10 a.m. on Saturday, please let me know that, too.
With your help, I'll do my best to get your delivery concerns worked out.
Thanks in advance to all of you!

Rick Thomason
The Walton Sun & The Destin Log
Hi folks!
Just logged on for the first time in a few days. I would ask (and I know I'm making a dangerous request here!) that if you are not receiving The Sun...and if you have received it in the past...please let me know via either a note here, or my email (rick_thomason@link.freedom.com) and I will address each individually.
Also, could you please let me know when you see entire streets where the paper is being delivered, but not picked up? We can surely re-route those papers to those of you who want them.
One note I think worth sharing: Since The Walton Sun is a free distribution paper (i.e. not supported by circulation revenue), we must limit the number of papers we print and distribute each week. As much as I wish we could simply blanket cover all of South Walton, that simply is not an economic reality...even in the best of times.
We have also pulled out of a handful of areas over the years as we have seen so few people pick up the paper that we felt our efforts were better placed elsewhere.
Finally...almost all of our carriers have other jobs than delivering our papers. Because of those commitments, different areas receive The Sun at different times. If, however, you are receiving The Sun but it's showing up later than about 10 a.m. on Saturday, please let me know that, too.
With your help, I'll do my best to get your delivery concerns worked out.
Thanks in advance to all of you!

Rick Thomason
The Walton Sun & The Destin Log

Thank you Rick, appreciate your response.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
They stopped delivering to my house at least a year ago. :wave:

While I miss having a paper wedged under the rear tire of my car every Saturday morning, I thought it was a sign from the Gods to waste less paper and started to read it online or peruse the front page at the Library.
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