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Beach Fanatic
Nov 15, 2004
Freeport, Florida
take the bonefish in PCB for example. They have it turned around with the back facing the road, absolutely brilliant.

Isn't that crazy?!


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
I. Some real idiots that design these shopping strip malls, take the bonefish in PCB for example. They have it turned around with the back facing the road, absolutely brilliant.

Do you suppose they were on the TDC, or the BCC, or sit on the Coastal 3000 Board or maybe they got their training working as Florida DOT highway planners?:eek:


Beach Fanatic
Dec 5, 2004
Bluewater Bay, FL
That whole shopping center in Destin where Fresh Market is located is a mess. There's a sizeable complex, and it's about 80% vacant. The only stores that have located there are FM, Marshall's, a nail place, and a sub shop.

Look at it from the highway or access road, and it looks either under construction or abandoned. My guess is that filling in the vacant storefronts would help out the FM's sales.

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I think they are working on the same principle as Starbucks! :roll:

Why is charging different prices for the same goods not illegal price fixing? :dunno:
They can't seriously justify different prices for stores that close together! :angry:

No it is not price fixing. That involves multiple businesses conspiring together.

Yes they can and they do. The funny thing is that if it's so ineffective why is the WC Publix packed even in the off season?

I hope you are wrong about the Fresh Market pulling out of Pier Park. The problem with the FM in Destin is because it sits back in a hole and is not very visible from the road. Some real idiots that design these shopping strip malls, take the bonefish in PCB for example. They have it turned around with the back facing the road, absolutely brilliant.

Yep, real dumb. I mean why wouldn't you want it facing the street so that people would park in the back by the dumpster and grease trap. :doh: Better yet push it way back so it is not visible and then put the parking up front so that the average person driving by will simply see a beautiful parking lot. :roll:


Beach Fanatic
Jun 22, 2005
Pt Washington
There's a Bonefish in PCB? Where? :lol:

Actually, I'm serious. Apparently I haven't noticed it. :dunno:

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
Why is charging different prices for the same goods not illegal price fixing? :dunno:
They can't seriously justify different prices for stores that close together! :angry:

It's all about the rent, demand and competition. Price fixing is a different story all together, and happens when competitors (different owners) conspire to set prices at the same level. Publix opening new stores, no matter if the prices are the same or different has nothing to do with price fixing.

I'll give you an example of price fixing, which is illegal BTW. Real Estate Broker A and Real Estate Brokers B, C, D, and E, collaborate and create an understanding that each will charge somewhere 10% brokerage fees. Being that these brokers are the only ones operating in the community, the sellers who don't go "for sale by owner" are left with no open market competition and have to pay the 10%. However, as long as there is no mutual agreement between the brokers, regarding fees, they can each charge 10% without being involved in price fixing, because their is no conspiracy, and each broker may change their rates and fees as they see fit.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
I know I am probably not using the correct phrases but I fail to see how it's ok from a legal standpoint.

3 grocery stores located in the same zip code, drawing on the same labor pool & paying the same wages, regulated by the same government, selling the same products, and charging different prices?

The only variable is rent!

I dunno what to call it, I just know it ain't right! :angry:
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Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
I fail to understand your point. With three stores, really four stores, being so close, and having Brunos and two Winn Dixies, close by, there is plenty of competition. By Publix offering different prices at different stores, they are giving us choices. They know that they have a captured audience with tourists at WaterColor, just like Pickles, in Seaside, knows that the kids will be lined up 20-30 deep at 3pm in the season, to buy $8 frozen shrimp baskets and $4 lemonade. People who want to shop for better prices will find better prices. That is free market at its finest. Location, location, location. That is what it is all about.


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Publix charging people different prices in different neighborhoods w/in the same community is what is frosting my cookies.

They aren't offering us choices in the great tradition of the free market system, they are ripping people off!

I think it's just my ethics/ideas of honesty meeting the lowered ones of the business community. Ranting over! :D
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Beach Lover
Feb 25, 2005
I fail to understand your point. With three stores, really four stores, being so close, and having Brunos and two Winn Dixies, close by, there is plenty of competition. By Publix offering different prices at different stores, they are giving us choices. They know that they have a captured audience with tourists at WaterColor, just like Pickles, in Seaside, knows that the kids will be lined up 20-30 deep at 3pm in the season, to buy $8 frozen shrimp baskets and $4 lemonade. People who want to shop for better prices will find better prices. That is free market at its finest. Location, location, location. That is what it is all about.

Hence the $5 beers at Taco John's in Seaside, while they're only $2 at Modica!
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