OK - I feel I need to stem the tide a bit - BUY LOCAL.
We don't need more chains or stores. Everything you need you can now get in SoWal. If we don't have it you don't need it. If you do need something exotic from afar, like plaid clothing, you can get it delivered to your door. The prices in SoWal may be a bit higher but you can save money on gas, and you are supporting our neighbors.
Even when grocery stores were farther away, didn't you go less often, saving time, hassle, and possibly money? I think it comes down to a psychological need to go somewhere and shop, to acquire things, to hunt and gather. Why else would someone make a long trip to Target 20 miles away to buy a blender, which by the way is most likely made in China. Please - stop the madness!
Go to For The Health Of It, Modica Market, Seagrove Market, Blue Mountain Liquors, Movies By The Sea, lillypads, Shops Of Grayton, Toni's Market, Big Daddy's, Wild Olives, Sally's By The Sea Store, Design, Gigi's, Perpetual Imagination, Sundog Books, Central Square Records, Fonville Press, Big Mama's, Yellowfin, Ono, Goatfeathers, . . . . the list goes on and on.
Why are we in such a hurry to make 98 in SoWal look like 98 in neighboring counties? The same goes for 331. Why does progress equal more choices and more places to spend money?
A final thought - if you feel a burning desire to spend your $600 government "see we're here to help" rebate, spend it local!