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I've been doing the 'powerpointesque animation' thing for about two years (Dynamic Mental Fitness YouTube) and it's driving my marketing advisor nuts because he insists that I should be doing video of myself doing the talking, advising, and instructing while looking right in the camera. I know he's right, because I'm good at presenting, but unlike my online radio show where I can go for hours on a topic and deliver high-value content, the idea of doing it on camera makes me edgy. I've gotten hundreds (literally) of requests for more video content that does not involve letters careening across the screen (and to think I developed all those Powerpoint skills for nothing!). So, I went and bought a teleprompter thingy a couple weeks ago so that I can do it with a lot more flair and without having to memorize everything I want to say or waver my gaze while looking beyond the camera to bullet points on a piece of cardboard.

The teleprompter stuff will allow me to look straight into the camera and wow 'em just like a news anchor. You can check that out here - great price (and I've checked around): Buy Teleprompter

I think your vid is nice, visually, but you're in the same boat as me. People want to see you. I know I definitely want to see you give it a shot, cuz you put out great written content.

I've been using Camtasia 7 of late, but am transitioning over to a program called Articulate Presenter which allows me to integrate video, powerpoint, and text into a really cool player platform for building training modules that people pay to watch, but also allows me to produce cool marketing video output (I'm holding off on releasing the new vids until next month).

I think at minimum you can do a second version of the vid with you talking in a neat voiceover.

***Make sure to do a blog post that features that video as part of the content*** It helps from a search engine standpoint and boosts your YouTube views. Example: Stop Procrastination

Also, make sure that you upload all relevant marketing videos not only to YouTube, but to Daily Motion and all the other significant video sites.

You may already know this stuff, but if you ever want to chat about, let me know. I got a million tricks thanks to my marketing buddy.

What are you using to create the vids?
Oh, also, here's something that will boost your Google (etc.) results:

In your video description, ALWAYS start out something like this...

"http://www.wesherndon.com/ (literally TYPE OUT YOUR URL at the beginning) Wherndon Consulting-Marketing Strategies that make sense![/url] W. Herndon small business consultants answers the burning question: Why do you need W. Herndon Consultants? Because all small businesses need a friend! etc. etc."

See my YouTube vids to see how I arrange the descriptions to capture the keywords I like. If you Google terms like "mental concentration" "mental focus exercises" blah blah you'll see me all over. The reason is because of what I've done with the vids.

Make sure your description ALWAYS starts with your url because that establishes back links to your site or blog AND it tells the viewer where they can go and get more info. The search engines feed that url back through during searches AND your video will start showing up in video searches for such terms as are written in the description (small business consultants, etc.)


In your tags (YouTube, etc.), you can group words like this:

"small business consultant" "small business consultants" "small business" "wesherndon big hunka hunka burnin love" etc

That way, you don't get stuck with single-word tags. Thus, when people search videos with terms like "small business consultants", your vid should pop up. It will pop up sometimes just cuz it's fresh, but eventually it will pop up because more and more people are watching it, which means more people will embed it all over the place and the ball just starts rolling on its own.
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Beach Lover
Jan 30, 2011
Miramar Beach
Great advice and I appreciate the suggestions on software. I definitely agree that a video of me giving the presentation would bring about a better connection with the audience. I feed so much off of crowds when speaking, I find it extremely difficult to show the much needed enthusiasm required of shooting videos.

In addition, I am perfectionist when it comes to audio content. Spent years playing music for a living before getting a "real job", and as a result, I am continuously re-recording things because of diction or tone. The content is there and is probably sufficient enough to get my point across in an eloquent fashion, I just seem, however, to get wrapped up in over-analysis. In other words if it's not live, I gravitate toward written content.

There are several things I'd love to pick your brain about at some point really soon. I actually subscribed to your freebie course and am extremely interested in both your expertise in mental fitness and your marketing ideas. I would hope that I could also add some reciprocal value to the conversation.

I am currently using plain old Window's Movie Maker.

Your words are always welcome and are definitely appreciated.
Thanks again.


Beach Lover
Jan 30, 2011
Miramar Beach
Oh, also, here's something that will boost your Google (etc.) results:

In your video description, ALWAYS start out something like this...

"http://www.wesherndon.com/ (literally TYPE OUT YOUR URL at the beginning) Wherndon Consulting-Marketing Strategies that make sense![/url] W. Herndon small business consultants answers the burning question: Why do you need W. Herndon Consultants? Because all small businesses need a friend! etc. etc."

See my YouTube vids to see how I arrange the descriptions to capture the keywords I like. If you Google terms like "mental concentration" "mental focus exercises" blah blah you'll see me all over. The reason is because of what I've done with the vids.

Make sure your description ALWAYS starts with your url because that establishes back links to your site or blog AND it tells the viewer where they can go and get more info. The search engines feed that url back through during searches AND your video will start showing up in video searches for such terms as are written in the description (small business consultants, etc.)


In your tags (YouTube, etc.), you can group words like this:

"small business consultant" "small business consultants" "small business" "wesherndon big hunka hunka burnin love" etc

That way, you don't get stuck with single-word tags. Thus, when people search videos with terms like "small business consultants", your vid should pop up. It will pop up sometimes just cuz it's fresh, but eventually it will pop up because more and more people are watching it, which means more people will embed it all over the place and the ball just starts rolling on its own.

Done it all with the tags, but that is a great suggestion on the title and description. Will definitely put that into play.

I get your point about the perfectionism, especially on the audio, but man I totally gave up after weeks of trying to sound all fancy and just went with what felt good, cuz the truth is people are really more interested in what you have to say that can relieve them of their problems. In your business, you can make people a TON of money, and your voice (even if just overlaid on the type of video you just uploaded) is more than enough to do the job. Plus, the more you do, the more confident you'll become. You listen to my stuff, I sound like a hillbilly radio announcer who's had too much too drink on air, but people love the content.

Soon enough, you'll be a star.

I'm sorry to say that I won't be back in the area until May 18th (leaving Seattle and will be in Colorado Springs tightening up the marketing efforts til then). I wish I was there sooner cuz I've got some uh...::::ahem:::: copies of software tools the names of which we won't say here, nor discuss the software fairies who placed them under my pillow...BUT, when I get back, I'll hook you up - save you a lot of dough.

For now, the Movie Maker's just fine.

Meanwhile, we will hopefully get a chance to chat and share ideas.
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Beach Lover
Jan 30, 2011
Miramar Beach

I get your point about the perfectionism, especially on the audio, but man I totally gave up after weeks of trying to sound all fancy and just went with what felt good, cuz the truth is people are really more interested in what you have to say that can relieve them of their problems. In your business, you can make people a TON of money, and your voice (even if just overlaid on the type of video you just uploaded) is more than enough to do the job. Plus, the more you do, the more confident you'll become. You listen to my stuff, I sound like a hillbilly radio announcer who's had too much too drink on air, but people love the content.

Soon enough, you'll be a star.

I'm sorry to say that I won't be back in the area until May 18th (leaving Seattle and will be in Colorado Springs tightening up the marketing efforts til then). I wish I was there sooner cuz I've got some uh...::::ahem:::: copies of software tools the names of which we won't say here, nor discuss the software fairies who placed them under my pillow...BUT, when I get back, I'll hook you up - save you a lot of dough.

For now, the Movie Maker's just fine.

Meanwhile, we will hopefully get a chance to chat and share ideas.

Definitely look forward to it....

Matt J

May 9, 2007
I stole Beauty hunter's disclaimer too:
I'm not sure you want to hear this cause you might think I'm being mean, but I'm not.

Sorry, but the music is annoying, I almost couldn't make it through the video.

The font is somewhat difficult to read, you might want to try something a little more basic.

Try a sunset, that gives the impression of renewal, new, and beginnings. Sunsets are more final, ending, and falling. I assume that's not the overall impression you want to give.

Moviemaker is fine for what you're doing and I wouldn't drop a ton of money on video editing software that most likely will put a dent in your wallet and confuse the heck out of you.

The message is direct and to the point and I agree with MrMF that your web address should be up front and first.

Also, on your website your using windows media player, it's not the best and I would strongly advise switching to flash.

If either of you have flash questions let me know.
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Beauty hunter

Beach Fanatic
May 3, 2009
I'm not sure you want to hear this cause you might think I'm being mean, but I'm not.

scale:1-10, I'd say 1.

one point for content, but -9 cause I was left hanging with the implied TRUST ME factor which is a lose-lose arrangement.

After being scammed and spammed by wham bam thank you ma'am's, my first thought in checking out something new on the web is that it is probably a big fat lie.
In order for that thought to be disarmed , the seller has to prove to me BEFORE I offer info or money that I'm going to get something worth my time/money.

Since I am past the age of 3, blind optimism is not an option.

When I present something, I look at how it would sound to someone else, and try to find the holes that would make the sub sink. Here's an asenine example just to make a point. Let's say you want to purchase something off my site, but I don't have encryption software. What dummy is going to put their financial security at risk? Results- no sales. The Big but in this situation would be a paypal button or some other co. that uses encryptian. Bada Boom back in business.

So since I'm getting bored with this subject already, I'll close it out.
Ask yourself these questions:
1. Does this make ME excited or am I just excited cause I put anything out there at all. If this makes you excited and not other people that makes you a nerd. Not really, I just felt like saying that. Bill Gates was a nerd-BUT HE FOUND HIS NICHE, didn't he.
2. How valuable is the info and have I Proven( the how of doing this is not my problem) to my audience before they purchase or waste their time that I have exactly what they've been looking for or am I just in hype mode cause I need a buck.

capture by intrigue/interest
coax by plugging(meeting customer's needs) the holes(customer obstacles)that makes the sub sink(your business)
continue means continue

same thing works in reverse to get rid of a customer


Beach Lover
Jan 30, 2011
Miramar Beach
I usually cringe when I hear or read statements starting with the phrase, "I don't mean to be mean, but..." today was no different. :lol:

I definitely appreciate the comments and if I weren't prepared for the harshest of criticism, I wouldn't have placed it on the forum. No worries on the being mean stuff. I, for one, appreciate straight talk.

This being a new medium for me, I fully anticipated it sucking, but wanted others to confirm or deny it.

Comments duly noted:
Sunset photo Wanted to use sunrise, but don't like getting up that early....beer/liquor make it a little difficult.
FLASH Rather than player: Gotcha....will probably touch base with you for ideas.
Music Sux...which is probably accentuated by the length of the video.
Font: noted and agree.

As far as the implied trust issue: Beauty, I definitely agree with your CAT's rule...this video's purpose, however, is one of supporting role for my website. It's not necessarily meant to be first contact for potential clients. Although I have submitted it to youtube and other video sites for backlinks and additional SEO corroboration, it's primary purpose is to add flair to the site. Definitely great points since I am working towards that eventual end.

At this point in the game, I am not engaged in any exchange of consideration online. (So, no "pay me" buttons of any kind) All agreements and exchanges take place via face to face or phone to face interactions. Even the Local Search Marketing portion of my business is presented and contracted via personal one on one meetings. At this point, my online intent is to create interest in such a meeting.

All of your comments are excellent food for thought. Thanks again...
Have an awesome day!
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