I've been doing the 'powerpointesque animation' thing for about two years (
Dynamic Mental Fitness YouTube) and it's driving my marketing advisor nuts because he insists that I should be doing video of myself doing the talking, advising, and instructing while looking right in the camera. I know he's right, because I'm good at presenting, but unlike my online radio show where I can go for hours on a topic and deliver high-value content, the idea of doing it on camera makes me edgy. I've gotten hundreds (literally) of requests for more video content that does not involve letters careening across the screen (and to think I developed all those Powerpoint skills for nothing!). So, I went and bought a teleprompter thingy a couple weeks ago so that I can do it with a lot more flair and without having to memorize everything I want to say or waver my gaze while looking beyond the camera to bullet points on a piece of cardboard.
The teleprompter stuff will allow me to look straight into the camera and wow 'em just like a news anchor. You can check that out here - great price (and I've checked around):
Buy Teleprompter
I think your vid is nice, visually, but you're in the same boat as me. People want to see you. I know I definitely want to see you give it a shot, cuz you put out great written content.
I've been using Camtasia 7 of late, but am transitioning over to a program called Articulate Presenter which allows me to integrate video, powerpoint, and text into a really cool player platform for building training modules that people pay to watch, but also allows me to produce cool marketing video output (I'm holding off on releasing the new vids until next month).
I think at minimum you can do a second version of the vid with you talking in a neat voiceover.
***Make sure to do a blog post that features that video as part of the content*** It helps from a search engine standpoint and boosts your YouTube views. Example:
Stop Procrastination
Also, make sure that you upload all relevant marketing videos not only to YouTube, but to Daily Motion and all the other significant video sites.
You may already know this stuff, but if you ever want to chat about, let me know. I got a million tricks thanks to my marketing buddy.
What are you using to create the vids?