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Beach Fanatic
Nov 21, 2007
DeFuniak Springs
Provided you don't have deed restrictions or HOA rules about external antennas, which are very common in these parts. The deed restrictions in my neighborhood limit external antennas to stuff that's so weak you get like two channels, and I suspect most modern SoWal neighborhoods have even more restrictive rules.

I believe that there are some FCC regulations that override deed restrictions and HOA rules on these issues.


Beach Fanatic
Jul 7, 2007
SJ, thanks for the suggestion. I have no HOA or restrictions to worry about, but I am down in a kind of a little dip. I'm thinking I ought to test this out before Feb when I'll need the converter box, is that right? And how would I go about doing that? Just disconnect the cable and connect an antenna and keep going up until I get a signal? :dunno: I'm pretty clueless, have not used an antenna in many years, don't even own one. :dunno:


Beach Fanatic
Nov 21, 2007
DeFuniak Springs
SJ, thanks for the suggestion. I have no HOA or restrictions to worry about, but I am down in a kind of a little dip. I'm thinking I ought to test this out before Feb when I'll need the converter box, is that right? And how would I go about doing that? Just disconnect the cable and connect an antenna and keep going up until I get a signal? :dunno: I'm pretty clueless, have not used an antenna in many years, don't even own one. :dunno:

Boy I hate to have to go and put up an antennae again. I thought those days were gone. I understand the HD/Digital signals are going to be on UHF frequencies. If that is the case then I believe the antennae is different for that frequency than it is for the VHF channels. Does anyone happen to know anything about range? I know VHF travels further and through structures better, that is why they want to use it for wireless broadband. I have a forty foot tower up at the house, but hate climbing the thing to put up an antennae unless I just have too.


Beach Comber
Sep 17, 2008
Santa Rosa Beach
Provided you don't have deed restrictions or HOA rules about external antennas, which are very common in these parts. The deed restrictions in my neighborhood limit external antennas to stuff that's so weak you get like two channels, and I suspect most modern SoWal neighborhoods have even more restrictive rules.

The HOA's are not allowed to mess around with communications according to the FCC. If they try you should contact the FCC by going to the website and following the instructions on how to submit a complaint. Once that happens the FCC will contact the HOA and fight for you.
This is off the FCC website.
The rule (47 C.F.R. Section 1.4000) has been in effect since October 1996, and it prohibits restrictions that impair the installation, maintenance or use of antennas used to receive video programming. The rule applies to video antennas including direct-to-home satellite dishes that are less than one meter (39.37") in diameter (or of any size in Alaska), TV antennas, and wireless cable antennas. The rule prohibits most restrictions that: (1) unreasonably delay or prevent installation, maintenance or use; (2) unreasonably increase the cost of installation, maintenance or use; or (3) preclude reception of an acceptable quality signal.
Effective January 22, 1999, the Commission amended the rule so that it also applies to rental property where the renter has an exclusive use area, such as a balcony or patio.

Also if you add a small amp to your setup for over the air TV you will pick up more stations. They can be found online or at Radio Shack. One other thing that I found was, I used the tuner in my TV and not the cheaper one that is built into my Direct TV box. The one in the TV has much less loss then the cheap one in the Direct TV Box.


Beach Comber
Dec 3, 2008
I recently dumped Mediacom. Got the little black box. Can get Dothan, 4 channels. Hope that after the change in Feb. I can get more. The antenna is ugle but it's FREE!


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
Mediacon would do well to remember that in hard times people cut back on the extras - crappy customer service and cost increases just made it an easier decision! :angry:

Lake View Too

SoWal Insider
Nov 16, 2008
Eastern Lake
Mediacom Sucks

Channel 13 just went black about an hour ago. I've been with Mediacom for way too long and ABC has been one the better channels for the last couple years. This super sucks! Does anybody know which is better DirectTV or DishTV? I want to leave Mediacom so bad, but I'm not which way is the best to go...

Smiling JOe

SoWal Expert
Nov 18, 2004
FYI -- If MediaCON and WMBB don't come to an agreement, WMBB will be dropped as of Jan 1, 2009, the only ABC channel.

NotDeadYet, the short answer is that it depends. If you have a newer TV which can received digital signal, you have nothing to worry about when Feb rolls around. If you have the older TV, like myself, you will need a converter, unless you have cable or satellite. The Gov't offers two discount cards, totaling $40, toward the purchase of a digital converter. HOWEVER, the discount cards are good only for 90days, while supplies last.

Erecting a TV is almost too simple. I found some pvc pipe laying around the yard (long sections), and dug a hole. Found an old antennae in the yard, too, and connected it to the pvc pipe, and connected the a long wire, wrapping the pole. Put one end of the pole into the hole, tossed in some gravel, packed with dirt. Plugged other end of cord into the TV. Turned on the TV and wha-la! I had free TV! A twist or two of the antennae and I soon discovered which direction got the most channels. If I want a better picture of FOX, I would have to twist the pole slightly. Those antenna are directional. ABC, CBS, NBC and PBS all pick up very well from one position, and FOX is just as clear if I twist the pole, but I go for quantity of channels.


Beach Fanatic
Mar 27, 2005
Pt. Washington
We have Directv and it is good unless we have heavy rain. I noticed this morning that Ch 13 was promoting Dishtv so they may have a promotion of some sort.
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