We were very pleased with our builder, who specializes in ICF (insulating concrete forms). ICF gives us peace of mind in hurricanes, plus low energy bills, cheap insurance, and noise proofing.
You can learn more about ICF, as well as view photos of our house under construction, here (our builder's site...he's also a draftsman, and can draft a plan very cheaply for you):
Seabreeze Plan Under Construction
Good luck! This is an exciting process. But choose your builder very carefully--it will make or break your entire experience.
You can learn more about ICF, as well as view photos of our house under construction, here (our builder's site...he's also a draftsman, and can draft a plan very cheaply for you):
Seabreeze Plan Under Construction
Good luck! This is an exciting process. But choose your builder very carefully--it will make or break your entire experience.