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Beach Fanatic
Jun 22, 2005
Pt Washington
Verizon is putting in an antena on top of Beach Crest.

:clap: Looks like they are finally trying to close the SoWal gap in their network!

Signal strength does depend on the phone, and pricier does not always mean stronger. We are with Verizon and we have no complaints.

Case in point: I am the only one in my office who can talk on their cell phone inside the SoWal annex. All my co-workers have to go outside. :cool:

Will B

Jan 5, 2006
Atlanta, GA
I think you all need to wear signal focusing tinfoil hats!


Beach Lover
Dec 24, 2006
I purchased an Iphone last year and love the phone. One of best things about the switch was the signal was awesome compared to my previous provider. Now it is very spotty and I have to walk outside to make most calls. Any one else experience a change? :bang:


Dave my phone is AT&T and the service has gotten really bad. I am still using a RAZR phone but having to turn it off and back on to get a signal several times a day. The last time it got this bad I called customer service and asked for a software upgrade but have been tempted lately to throw the phone into the gulf...


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Dave my phone is AT&T and the service has gotten really bad. I am still using a RAZR phone but having to turn it off and back on to get a signal several times a day. The last time it got this bad I called customer service and asked for a software upgrade but have been tempted lately to throw the phone into the gulf...

On Tuesday, I called, complained, and received the "software upgrade".

It is supposed to help with the pesky little dropped call problem.

I am dropping MORE calls now- I think it was installed backwards or something.:bang:

Everyone that calls me knows that I just randomly hang up on them.


SoWal Insider
Feb 14, 2006
Prairieville, La
I have used at&T since the company was bell south over 9 years ago. Since moving here I have had nothing but problems but when AT&T took over it was worse.
My contract ran out with ATT on Monday and I dropped them like a hot potato...:lol: I chose Nextel b/c I dont have an iphone and the plan I received is a good one. ($99, unlimited minutes, unlimited text, gps, internet, direct radio, etc)


Beach Comber
Apr 24, 2008
Yes. Was great last year, now it drops a lot more. I was told they were upgrading the network by Jan '08 to make things better.

Seems like it made them worse. Maybe Eglin is testing new electromagnetic stuff again and causing some sort of unintended interference?

Sheila Goode

Beach Comber
Dave, J and I have AT&T Blackjacks and at first they worked great in our homeoffice, then had to stand by the living room window, then on the porch, then the end of the driveway and Thursday I saw J walking toward the top of the hill to get a signal. I guess next is Freeport! We have tried IPhone, Blackberry, Razr, Verizon, and the only one that seems consistant is Alltel.


Beach Fanatic
Nov 26, 2004
at the risk of sounding foolish, Sprint has actually worked really well for me for the past year.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 4, 2008
Roosevelt, MN
I got the problem too. I used to get all five bars in my office, now I have a stand outside my office where my cell sits when in the office because I have no bars in my office anymore. I thought it was the steel studs in the wall or something.
I don't get it. I am going to call them and see what changed. I will report if anything positive comes of it.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 28, 2006
i always stuck with tmobile....they were the ones who bought out Digiph (sp) when they were like the only people on 30a to have a tower. I hate their phone selection overall but have never complained about the customer service and dropped calls, except the usual places like redfish and that one wierd spot as you go toward Destin?:blink:
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