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Beach Comber
Oct 19, 2007
Westchester, New York
I wasn't saying anything about the price... that is a good price. I'm talking about if the policy you bought is worth it. Because in the insurance industry you truly get (or don't get) what you pay for. Does your policy cover backup of sewer and drain? Does it cover vandalism? Is your policy a Homeowner or a dwelling fire policy. And if it's a dwelling fire policy, is it a DP1, 2, or 3. These are all very important with claim time comes. All of these policies include wind but not all of them cover the other perils that can be as important. I educate my clients on what they are acutally buying not just which one is the cheapest. I realize saving money is important, but at what cost to coverage?

These are top of line homeowners policies with AIG, kindly research and please read my posts next time. AIG is comparable to Chubb and Fireman's Fund and noted for being one of the most reputable insurers in the United States and one of only a few High-end insurers. Their financial stability has never been in question. The AIG Private Client Group has become very price competitive due to their ability to include the Hurricane/ Wind coverage on their homeowners policy.

The AIG HOMEOWNERS policy affords extended replacement cost to the customer, far beyond what most companies are currently offering. All perils you mention above are covered. AIG is a class act company offering only the best coverage available. Statefarm, Allstate and many domestic companies are not offering extended replacement (UP TO 150%), concierge claims service or a hurricane protection unit to help get clients back on their feet after a storm. Not to mention, anytime a client of mine needs anything, they can call me directly and at any time of day.

I am not here to get into an argument, which by your perceived attitude and nature of postings is what you are trying to do. I am here to provide a free informative service to the community. Please stop personally questioning my abilities and put something useful up. As you can see, some people do appreciate the work I do. Best.
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Beach Comber
Oct 19, 2007
Westchester, New York
By the way, I'm going to dig a little deeper but I went to the Florida Department of Financial Services to do an agent lookup for Adam Gurdus and his name doen't appear as licensed to write insurance in Florida unless he's doing it under someone elses name or license number.

That would be because my brokerage is licensed, so I don't have to be licensed individually. I am fully and legally allowed to write homeowner's policies all day in Florida. Being a broker, i would think you would know that. Thanks again for questioning my integrity (On my own thread mind you).


SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Adam writes for high quality companies that have good ratings, and his target market and local clientele reflect the fact that he is good at working with financially savvy and educated people.

I sold life and health insurance for many years, and maybe things were different then (no message boards!), but we would never dream of questioning another agent's credibility or company- our job was to make sure we built a trusting relationship with our clients and found the best product to fit their needs. If an agent is educated, knowledgeable about their products, and honest, sales come easily without resorting to cutting down another agent or insurance company. Sniping about the competition is never classy.


Beach Fanatic
Feb 11, 2005
South Walton
We have the insurance on both our houses with AIG. We purchased it through another agent, (didn't know about Adam at the time) but switched to Adam when the first agent got out of the business. Adam is very knowledgeable and helpful. He's not out to sell you the cheapest thing out there. We've had a parade of insurance companies insure our houses and for the first time in about 5 years, we feel that we have good coverage. Although the price through AIG was thousands of dollars less than our previous insurance, that's not really why we changed. We changed due to the coverage that AIG gave us, including wind. Thank you, InsuraceGuru, for being here to answer our questions.


Beach Comber
Jul 26, 2008
Panama City,FL

You're right, I do have a horrible attitude... I am sorry. I'm sure insuranceguru is good guy and I hope AIG is able to make it as I represent them too. I've been stung by the insurance industry after hurricane Opal when my agent in Illinois didn't have me properly covered and I lost everything. That is why I went into this business. So, I've had a $300,000 chip on my shoulder since then and I've only recovered from it 2 years ago. Again, I'm sorry for my lousy attitude.
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SoWal Expert
Feb 15, 2005
Well, I sure hope everyone (especially Insuranceguru) is still happy with AIG since he blasted me for even mentioning looking at other options. So, if anyone wants to look for something better, I can steer you in a right direction. My email is: catug@comcast.net or my cell phone is 850-527-4640. I'm a local who knows this area very well. I saw this coming but wasn't going to say anything since insuranceguru knows it all.

I don't know of anyone desperate enough to contact an agent with an attitude like yours. Absolutely appalling. If I had had your attitude when I was working as an insurance agent, I would have been fired - we had to have professional conduct at all times.

Oh, regarding the P&C part of AIG, Notdeadyet posted this on the AIG thread. It was an e-mail from the company.

AIG, Inc. continues to work with regulators during this difficult time for financial markets. As has
been stated many times publicly, AIG is not a solvency risk; the value of its assets exceeds its
AIG Private Client Group is continuing to write new business.
In addition, here are a few more important facts to note:

AIG Private Client Group, which operates as part of AIG Property Casualty Insurance, faces
no such liquidity concerns.
o AIG Property Casualty Insurance has $26.7 billion in policyholder surplus, as
well as invested assets of $65 billion. These assets are protected by law and
cannot be taken from policyholders!
o As a point of reference, a leading AIG Private Client Group competitor has
policyholder surpluses of $14 billion.
o As you likely know, yesterday AIG reached an agreement in principle with the
New York State regulators to exchange illiquid assets from the parent company
with more liquid assets in operating insurance companies. These assets are of
like kind and quality to one another; the only difference is duration.

AIG Property Casualty Insurance has the resources to pay policyholder claims and will
continue to do so. On average, we are paying $73 million in claims each day.

AIG Property Casualty Insurance was downgraded by A.M. Best yesterday. Even with this
downgrade, our insurance companies carry a rating of “A” or “Excellent.” This rating
compares favorably with most major companies.

AIG Property Casualty Insurance results:
o AIG Commercial Insurance continues to exhibit strong financial
performance with 2008 second quarter operating income of nearly $1 billion, net
written premiums of $5.99 billion and a profitable combined ratio of 93.7%.
o AIG Private Client Group’s year-to-date results: $87.3 million in operating
income; $520 million in net written premium; combined ratio of 81.4%.
We remain committed to, and capable of, serving the needs of our policyholders. If you have any
questions, please contact your local representative. Thank you for your continued support of AIG
Private Client Group.
Copyright ? 2008 American International Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
AIG Private Client Group, 70 Pine Street, 21st Floor, New York, NY 10270
We are considering buying a particular lot. Smiling JOe, didn't you post a link that shows which areas have flood zone issues? Also, how does one know if when s/he buys a lot and builds on it that it is insurable at a reasonable cost? Before we close on the lot, we would want to have this info.

Thanks in advance for any advice that you all can give us.
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