John R said:it is currently illegal, but it brings into play the open public networks in NYC. i'll question the scenario you put forth. if i'm a terrorist in NYC walking around trying to find questionable materials on the net, who's holding the bag, the administrator? the suspected terrorist would be long gone by the time anyone in govt. had the gumption to act. by the same token, what would happen to the operator of this board if the same thing was happening via pm's?
not trying to start an argument, just wondering aloud. only because my personal belief is that if everyone had open access their AP's, we'd have a mesh network available. it would be great to be able to log on anywhere along 30a
ain't no free lunch, it just means that nobody but one dumb guy would buy service - wifi repeaters would work in 4 mile increments to cover the area, they work great too, got one here on the farm for the tagger - right now the law is not specific but i expect that to change in the very short future (you'll get a lot of work running around password protecting networks!) - three times the bill has come up for debate but the senate left it on the table undebated.
you can't even carry a farmer's almanac (or go to their website!) without getting a look-see from the new ss, so i see this year as another one where personal freedoms will be overridden by hobnailed boots in an attempt to 'protect' us slaves.
enough political bs! - this is supposed to be fun - if it stops raining and freezing

goodnight to this thread