COLUMN: Don't sacrifice Florida's beaches to Big Oil
July 21, 2009 2:27 PM
David McLain
Many thanks to Sen. Bill Nelson for the strong stand he is taking in the face of the renewed push for drilling off Florida’s beaches.
This absolutely is the wrong way to secure long term energy independence. As a retired soldier with 28 years service and two sons on active duty today, I am as concerned as anybody about our dependence on Middle East supplies of petroleum.
And I know Senator Nelson, as senior member on the Senate Armed Services Committee, is as well. Much of the current clamor for drilling offshore of Florida is based in lack of information. Since I spent a fair amount of time after the Exxon Valdez catastrophe and the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA90) in oil spill response planning, training, and operations, maybe I can offer some eyes-on/hands-on experience to fill that void.
During the early 90s, I was a training consultant and planner for the Marine Spill Response Corporation (MSRC), a national corporation, and creature of the large petroleum companies to meet their newly legislated liabilities to clean up petroleum spills of their making.
Refinery specific and/or geographic-specific response plans were written and training exercises conducted to improve preparedness to counter, or rather diminish, the horrific effects of petroleum products spilled in the marine environment.
It was my job to create such response plans and to conduct exercises to train employees in their execution. While at MSRC, I participated in spill response operations such as the San Jacinto River double pipeline rupture just east of Houston.
I developed a two-week hands-on spill response course that later became the Mobil Oil “Management of Major Spill Incidents” course taught to all their refinery managers in Louisiana and Texas. In 1995, I was part of an international effort to clean up a major pipeline spill in the Komi Republic in Siberia, funded by the World Bank.
If you walk on the beaches of Texas and Louisiana you cannot escape the “tar balls” that are the ubiquitous by-product of offshore drilling. They get tracked in by children and lay ruin to beach clothing, cottages, etc. Try walking on the beach at Padre Island off the Naval aviation training center in Corpus Christi.
These were not caused by a calamitous spill, but by normal, day-to-day operation of the existing rigs.
The right strategy for long term independence of foreign oil has to be to promote and subsidize the most promising combination of alternative sources of energy — and the infrastructure modernization necessary to exploit them.
Without a deliberate turning away from petroleum and toward a long term set of renewable energy, we’re simply “doubling down” on a long term mistake.
As spill response planners we had to consider a necessary “contingency plan” called a “sacrificial beach.” When the petroleum is in the water and we can’t recover it before it impacts landward resources like mangroves, salt marshes, estuaries, the plan must call for the identification of a “sacrificial beach” — some place we can divert the oil to for subsequent treatment by poisonous dispersants, bio-degradation, bulldozers, etc.
Even then, it will be years before that beach is useable again — if ever.
Don’t let our Florida become that sacrificial beach.
David McLain is a retired colonel who lives in Eastpoint near Apalachicola.