We have a pail with a liner and I rarely have stink issues with that. As long as the lid fits well it shouldn't stink. We have the little pail deodorizers that go in it too. The thing with those Diaper Genie's and disposables is that those disposables sit in there for a loooong time. The stink really gets going in there. With cloth I've got to empty the pail every couples days.
OM... I couldn't teach someone to sew if my life depended on it, lol!! I'm a terrible, terrible teacher and not afraid to admit it.
Judah (my almost 2 y/o) is showing some signs of being ready for the potty. He's going on the potty a couple times a day, taking his diaper off every time he goes in it, and asking for new ones every 2 minutes.
I would love to do one more newborn in cloth though... it's so soft and squishy. Diapers aren't so much of a hassle when the diapers are soft and cute.
OM... I couldn't teach someone to sew if my life depended on it, lol!! I'm a terrible, terrible teacher and not afraid to admit it.
Judah (my almost 2 y/o) is showing some signs of being ready for the potty. He's going on the potty a couple times a day, taking his diaper off every time he goes in it, and asking for new ones every 2 minutes.
I would love to do one more newborn in cloth though... it's so soft and squishy. Diapers aren't so much of a hassle when the diapers are soft and cute.