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Beach Fanatic
May 27, 2009
Blue Mtn Beach!!
I'm not so certain that this was the "something big" that he was referring to. Not to say that this $300 million dollar facility isn't "something big," but that is only a piece of the pie. I read that Shelton will be formerly announcing this "energy farm" next week.

I'm just wondering if Owl's Head/Freeport Plantation will soon become NW Florida's self sustaining community. That might be one way to sell those properties. My understanding is that the 500 acres is tucked between Owl's Head and Freeport Plantation and that the energy farm isn't the only thing those "German partners" are buying into.

Then the same owners must own it then? So Owl's Head would be right next to the huge solar plant. Is Owl's head developed yet? I mean are there houses?

I have learned so much on this forum that I would have never known had I never logged on.

Thanks for sharing all the information.



Beach Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
Walton Co.
Not yet, Gidget. Not yet.

The news stories indicate that the power will be sold to the local power company, which I guess is Chelco, though Chelco currently buys its power from Alabama Power. I just cannot help but to think that something may be in the works with the German guys stepping on board with Shelton, and that it sure would be a neat project to have both communities (Owl's Head and Freeport Plantation) be 100% solar powered communities. That would create some incentive to buy there. (I have not heard anyone saying that is what would happen, but it is just my mind asking questions.)

Currently in Owl's Head, there is one house under construction, which I believe is owned by Shelton Stone. I think we will know much much more about the "something big" in a few weeks.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
now, if the Freeport zone would get a private entity interested in building an electric/hydrogen/something non-oil/car...we would be in business.

We need to be innovative and think beyond today and tomorrow...

Gulf Coast Community College just broken ground on the building for its new Technology building....supposed to be state-of-the-art for "green" buildings...one of a kind for the U. S.[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vky5C9LzYHs&feature=player_embedded"]YouTube- GCCC Advanced Technology Center[/ame] and we are offering a bachelors program in new technology beginning next January. And there are scholarships for being interested in this area of study.
We must turn our grief about the Gulf disaster and our decision about conservation of resources into action. This solar farm is an excellent beginning...let's hear more!

Maybe someone can even come up with the technology to respond to such disasters--for the oil drilling will be with us until we figure out a better way and make it affordable--but, there is no reason it can not be made safe.

The innovation needs to go hand -in- hand (pun intended) with the stand for a new energy and for clean beaches and oil free waters. And we must keep our elected officials' feet to the fire about regulation...

IMO if all the energy we humans have expended fighting our partisan wars in the last ten years, were to be concentrated on making America energy independent, then we would have solar, wind, and who knows what else energy today...we must do this-- our children and grandchildren and the plants and animals and oceans and rivers of our planet deserve no less.
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Beach Fanatic
Sep 18, 2005
Walton Co.
good stuff, Glenda Wood. I will add that more than being energy dependent, I would like to see us be energy effecient. It costs nothing, really, just tweaking a few things, like converting unneeded horsepower to more miles per gallon. If my grandparents were still around to label us today, they would call us the wasteful generation. Keep in mind that they grew up during the depression, and they knew the value of everything. We probably waste as much energy as we actually consume.


Beach Fanatic
Oct 10, 2005
good stuff, Glenda Wood. I will add that more than being energy dependent, I would like to see us be energy effecient. It costs nothing, really, just tweaking a few things, like converting unneeded horsepower to more miles per gallon. If my grandparents were still around to label us today, they would call us the wasteful generation. Keep in mind that they grew up during the depression, and they knew the value of everything. We probably waste as much energy as we actually consume.

Thanks. I agree; there is another thread about how to conserve and there are some very good ideas. I think the Gulf Disaster has heightened our awareness of just how important it is to be efficient--we just need to keep the awareness going
and break some of the wasteful habits we all have.

So much of what we do is "non-conscious" we do it that way because we always have done it that way.I'd like to see people give up plastic bottles, plastic bags, sandwich bags (use tin foil), plastic shovels, etc. etc. If we stopped buying these things the manufactures would stop making them!


SoWal Expert
May 8, 2007
I was quite pleased to look around the Rep theatre last night and not see a single person sitting near me drinking out of a plastic water bottle.

Obviously it was a skewed demographic, but still great to see!

Seaside Rep Theatre

Beach Lover
Feb 1, 2006
I was quite pleased to look around the Rep theatre last night and not see a single person sitting near me drinking out of a plastic water bottle.

Obviously it was a skewed demographic, but still great to see!

After we showed the film Tapped http://www.tappedthemovie.com/we decided to stop selling bottled water. We have a Brita pitcher at the concessions stand for now, with free filtered tap water, and we're exploring other more ecologically sound options, for water and everything else we serve.
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