Does anyone else remember the huge Century plant in front of Collaborations? I actually saw it bloom one year and you don't see that often since they only bloom once every 100 years! When they cleared the property it was uprooted and sitting on it's side and I wanted to cry. I also wanted to bring it home in the worst way but it was much too big. You almost needed a flat bed truck to move it. Sad and I still think of that big old Century plant that was here before any of us were.
I loved Collaborations too. I bought some funky furniture there for the house. We also loved buying wine next door (before Cocoon's took over - sorry for the disI remember my first years here, with Bobby J at Collaborations, with his pond guy that could create the most intricate, lifelike pond settings imagineable; and Randy H at the Gourd Garden.....where I purchased so much of what became my "yard" in the Grove (where Randy/his mom were also neighbors). And I remember when Jason and Annalise married, and built their home in the Grove, which they opted to sell in order to purchase the Gourd Garden. All good folks, moving with the tides of skies, and happy thoughts to all.
I loved Collaborations too. I bought some funky furniture there for the house. We also loved buying wine next door (before Cocoon's took over - sorry for the dis) and talking to the hilarious guy there whose name escapes me right now.
Sleep deprived due to exams. Memory goes bye-bye. Profs and students all get this way during exams.
No knowledge regarding that.You mean the liquor store operating on a license from Okaloosa?
I loved Collaborations too. I bought some funky furniture there for the house. We also loved buying wine next door (before Cocoon's took over - sorry for the dis) and talking to the hilarious guy there whose name escapes me right now.
Sleep deprived due to exams. Memory goes bye-bye. Profs and students all get this way during exams.
Thanks Beach Runner. It was sooooo much fun and proof that if you follow a dream it will work out. My folks thought I was crazy when Bev and I decided to do that place. I will say, it was a special time. Brian was the guy that owned the liquor store. I still talk with him from time to time. I do not recall his license being from Okaloosa county. I am pretty sure it was a Walton county issue. I think he sold it for like $60,000 when he started having financial trouble. He could have actually opened a bar and we talked about it many times. I think he sold it to the folks who opened up the liquor store in Grayton that is now closed as well. The good ol' days. I sure hate to see Eastern Lake nursery closing. It seems like another blow to the community. We really need these small businesses to help keep the eclectic vibe and funky feel along 30a.
I'm in favor of wildflower seeding. Perhaps someone ought to host a seedball making party....not me! I am too busy with the farm!