Hey TCline - tell me about Dr. Roberts.
Dr Tom. has been my doctor for about 10 yrs I think. I believe he is a very caring and empathic type doctor...and what I like about him the most is he totally gets the whole naturopathic medicine approach, using traditional medicine along side the more holistic applications. So I feel he is really working with me and not against my beliefs of treating illness in this manner. I will also tell you that when my Mother first started showing signs of not being well, I took her to see him and he knew immediately that she was just beginning to slide into the early stages of Dementia and he advised a course of treatment that she ultimately went on.....but of course after we saw DR. Tom my Mother refused his diagnosis and decided she didnt like him...so nearly a year later and taking her to see 3 or 4 other DR's of which none of the others diagnosed her correctly,It was only after Mom landed in the hospital and then on to extended REHab hospital with a fractured hip from falling was she finally diagnosed correctly but Dr Tom recognized Mom's condition the year before.. So I think he's a very good doctor and would highly recommend him.
adding this after initial posting....I don't mean to imply that he is a Naturopathic DR....but he seems to be very well versed and comfortable with it and understands how I use it myself. It's important to me that I can say I do this with herbs and or other natural approaches and he gets it!