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Beach Fanatic
May 14, 2007
Santa Rosa Beach FL
And that is exactly what is wrong with privatization of Public beaches! You don't have entitlement. It isn't your backyard. You don't and should not own any beach unless you own a whole island!
I wouldn't be one bit surprised if this started with northerners and Californian's fleeing their over taxed crime ridden cesspool of states just to take advantage of a free state. Leave your dam liberal ideologies where they belong, not here. We love Florida just as it is.
The majority of us enjoy the liberal ideologies. I agree with you that beaches should be for all and pretty sure that is what liberals would make happen.


Beach Fanatic
Jun 20, 2005
I should have said Sept. 10, 2024 (yesterday). This appeal will take the case before the U.S. Court of Appeals, 11th Circuit, again.
I know you said it was a guess as to the next step.

It's in Federal courts so SCOF isn't in play.
So do you guys think the next step for the losing party would be the U.S. Supreme Court?

Also, whatever happened to the federal case where the constitutionality of customary use was being challenged? I honestly thought that was going to tank CU once and for all.
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